3.3.0 HAss Firmware update progress + Hydro sensors + Captive portal
Home Assistant will now display firmware update progress
Sensor logic improved for Hydro stoves
Captive portal simplify first experience when connected to the module AP
What's Changed
- 3.2.x documentation by @Domochip in #56
- Use Palazzetti lib v2.7.6: Domochip/Palazzetti#3 by @Flobul
- Add new Home Assistant Palazzetti integration in README: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/palazzetti/
- Hass 2024.11 firmware update progress by @Domochip in #57
- Improve Home Assistant temperature entities for Hydro stove by @tanc in #59
- Update Base to 2.50: Captive portal in AP
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.2.2...3.3.0
What release file should I use
For module in version 3.1.x and lower: use WirelessPalaControl.x.bin file
For the others, you can use both files or go to the firmware page for Online Update ;-)