Releases: Domochip/WPalaControl
3.5.0 Climate limit + Fix blank update version + New HW version
🌡️Climate max set point adjusted to be centered around 19°C for air stove
Fix empty update reported
New Hardware Version (V2.0)
What's Changed
- Climate max set point adjusted to be centered around 19°C for air stove
- Fix empty update reported
- New Hardware Version (V2.0) by @Domochip in #65
Full Changelog: 3.4.0...3.5.0
What release file should I use
For module in version 3.1.x and lower: use WirelessPalaControl.x.bin file
For the others, you can use both files or go to the firmware page for Online Update ;-)
3.4.0 Climate Thermostat + More Entities (some are optional)
✨Adding climate type Thermostat
➕Adding Service Time Counter
➕Adding optional Flue Gas Temperature, Feeder, Differential Pressure and Target DP sensors
(You'll need to go to the device to enable them if needed)
What's Changed
- Add climate by @Domochip in #62
- Factorize code using 2 helper functions
- Add T3 entity
- Use Stove limits in setPoint slider now
- Add Service Time Counter entity
- Adding Feeder entity
- Add differential pressure and dp target entities
- Update Base to 2.5.1: hostname is MODEL at first start
- Adjust climate max temperature to center range around 19°C for air type setPoint (Who wants its room at 51°C...)
Full Changelog: 3.3.0...3.4.0
What release file should I use
For module in version 3.1.x and lower: use WirelessPalaControl.x.bin file
For the others, you can use both files or go to the firmware page for Online Update ;-)
3.3.0 HAss Firmware update progress + Hydro sensors + Captive portal
Home Assistant will now display firmware update progress
Sensor logic improved for Hydro stoves
Captive portal simplify first experience when connected to the module AP
What's Changed
- 3.2.x documentation by @Domochip in #56
- Use Palazzetti lib v2.7.6: Domochip/Palazzetti#3 by @Flobul
- Add new Home Assistant Palazzetti integration in README:
- Hass 2024.11 firmware update progress by @Domochip in #57
- Improve Home Assistant temperature entities for Hydro stove by @tanc in #59
- Update Base to 2.50: Captive portal in AP
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.2.2...3.3.0
What release file should I use
For module in version 3.1.x and lower: use WirelessPalaControl.x.bin file
For the others, you can use both files or go to the firmware page for Online Update ;-)
3.2.2 Online Update + Home Assistant Update entity
🛜New default Wifi AP info: WPalaControl/password
🎉Online Update
🎉Home Asssistant Update
What's Changed
- Publish module infos to MQTT baseTopic
- WBase memory consumption optimizations
- Rename project: WirelessPalaControl -> WPalaControl
- Remove Discover web page and associated endpoints
- Add Online Update: module can auto-update from Github releases
- Change Wifi AP ssid and password
- Add Home Assistant update entity by @Domochip in #55
- Fix Home Assistant Update problem with release_date
- Fix parsing of latest Github release when it is quite big
Full Changelog: 3.1.10...3.2.2
What release file should I use
For module in version 3.1.x and lower: use WirelessPalaControl.x.bin file
For the others, you can use both files or go to the firmware page for Online Update ;-)
3.1.10 Various Optimizations
WPalaControl Version: 3.1.10
What's Changed
- Update Base to 2.3.7: EventSource code has been moved to a class
- Adapt code for Base 2.3.7 by @Domochip in #52
- Reduce Home Assistant Discovery Prefix length from 64 to 32 chars
- Reduce MQTT username length from 128 to 32 chars
- Reduce MQTT password length from 150 to 64 chars
Full Changelog: 3.1.8...3.1.10
3.1.8 Simplify version number + Many minor optimizations
WPalaControl Version: 3.1.8
What's Changed
- Define the ArduinoJson lib minimum version (#48)
- use the new ArduinoJson shrinkToFit function to optimize memory before serializing json
- Simplify Version Number (Base version is removed)
- WPalaControl Home Assistant Connectivity entity is now published even if there is no Stove connected
- GHAction adjusted for the new simplified versioning
- parseConfigWebRequest functions removed, parseConfigJSON function is used for Webpage form content too
- Improve EventSource management in status webpage
- Reorder PalaCommand in alphabetical order
- Add EXT ADRD pala command
- Palazzetti lib updated to 2.7.4
Full Changelog: v2.3.1-3.1.5...3.1.8
v2.3.1-3.1.5 HAss fixes and improvements
Base Version: 2.3.1
WPalaControl Version: 3.1.5
What's Changed
- Add Wifi signal quality in select on configw page by @Flobul in #28
- Wifi networks are also colored in the dropdown list
- Fix Fan availability in Home Assistant when only one additional fan is installed on the stove (@ec0li82 in #47)
- Fix bad topic for SetPoint in Home Assistant (@ec0li82 in #47)
- Improved the feedback after SET commands. New value appears immediately after execution of the command
- After a request to the stove to Power Off while burning, stove switch to status 10 (Fire Stop). In HomeAssistant, this status is now considered as Stove Off.
- Extended usage of ArduinoJson instead of manually building some JSON
- WBase wifi config is pushed from the web and handled differently (Post a json instead of a multipart form data)
- Configuration data is now pushed the same way as WBase wifi config (this allows to use the same code to parse config from savefile and from webpage form)
Full Changelog: v2.2.2-3.1.4...v2.3.1-3.1.5
v2.2.2-3.1.4 Fix no HA autodiscovery for JOTUL stove
Base Version: 2.2.2
WPalaControl Version: 3.1.4
What's Changed
- Fix: Home-Assistant autodiscovery not sent if SerialNumber is incorrect (solve problem for JOTUL stoves)
- Add GitHub auto compilation&release by @Flobul in #27
Full Changelog: v2.2.2-3.1.3...v2.2.2-3.1.4
v2.2.2-3.1.3 Fix MQTT Connection + ESP32 compatibility
- WirelessPalaControl is now compatible with ESP32 using "MH-ET ESP32 MiniKit"
- the existing HAT PCB can be directly plugged on it using white tagged pins
- MQTT connection was not established if Wifi was unavailabe at boot time (#38) (thx a lot @SlackPhoby)
v2.1.5-3.1.2 HASS Compatibility (incomplete) + Palazzetti lib evolution
- 🎉Initial implementation of HomeAssistant MQTT Discovery only for MQTT Type: Generic
- It should fit nice for Air type stove but may need refinement for hydro ones
- Do not hesitate to open Issue if you see any incorrect behavior or improvement (I have an Air type stove)
- Available in v3
Coming: Compatibility with Other MQTT publishing types - Coming: French translation for Stove statuses (feel free to open issue if you are interested to do translation in any other langage)
- v3: Left and Right Fan entity type changes based on max values
- Use newest Palazzetti lib version (2.7.0) based on the newest original code
- Palazzetti function now return a more precise result
- Use latest ArduinoJson library (v7)
- Incorrect publish while using "Generic JSON" and "Generic Categorized" MQTT Type
- Fix HomeAssistant wrong Power topic (thx @carmelo42)