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DiamondDagger590 edited this page Jan 5, 2020 · 11 revisions

Unarmed is an skill that adds various abilities to make fighting with your fist more effective. By default McRPG boosts damage dealt with a fist by 2, dealing a heart and a half per hit. Disarm has also had its mechanics changed from McMMO! Instead of dropping the item on the ground, instead the plugin searches for the first empty slot in a player's inventory. If none are found, then the item will be dropped on the ground.

XP Gain

Experience is gained through hitting mobs or players with your fist.

Default Ability

Sticky Fingers

This ability is usable by everyone regardless of player's level. By default this should max out at the highest unarmed level; 1000. This will grant a 50% chance of preventing disarm. This ability gives players a defense against the very strong ability Disarm without requiring a large investment in unarmed, giving a 5% resist even at level 100.

Passive Unlocked Abilities

Tighter Grip

Tighter Grip is a Sticky Fingers modifier. This ability at the base tier adds in a +5% resistance to being disarmed, reaching a 25% increase at the max tier, allowing for a 75% resistance rate against Disarm.

Tier Unlock Level Disarm Resist Buff
I 50 5%
II 125 10%
III 250 20%
IV 375 30%
V 500 40%


Disarm is a popular ability that is most often associated with the Unarmed ability. The ability has a chance at making an opponent drop their held item. At the base tier, this ability has a 1% chance of activation capping at a 7.5% chance at max tier. This has been majorly nerfed from McMMO due to the fact that it was extremely spammable and easily abused, often resulting in the skill overall being disabled.

Tier Unlock Level Disarm Chance
I 150 1%
II 275 2%
III 425 3%
IV 575 5%
V 700 7.5%

Iron Arm

Iron Arm is an ability seen in the popular McMMO. This ability has different mechanics than the original in order to counter the frequent complaints against unarmed. At the base tier, the ability has a 25% chance of adding +1 damage to an attack and at the max tier, it has a 100% chance of boosting the damage by 2, giving 2 hearts of damage a hit.

Tier Unlock Level Damage Buff Chance Damage Buff
I 250 50% +1 dmg
II 400 60% +1 dmg
III 550 70% +2 dmg
IV 700 80% +2 dmg
V 850 90% +3 dmg

Active Unlocked Abilities


Beserk is an active ability also seen in McMMO. The ability will shine brightest when dealing with a DPS enemy. The mechanics are once again changed from the original however. In this version, at the base tier, it adds +1 damage a hit, 3% disarm rate, lasting for 2 seconds. And the max tier, it adds +2 damage, +10% disarm rate, lasting for 5 seconds. More info will be added later.

Tier Unlock Level Disarm Chance Boost Damage Buff Duration Cooldown
I 100 3% +1 2 seconds 180 seconds
II 225 5% +1 2 seconds 180 seconds
III 350 5% +1 3 seconds 180 seconds
IV 500 7.5% +1 4 seconds 180 seconds
V 650 10% +2 5 seconds 180 seconds

Smiting Fist

Summon divine power to gain bonus health and have a chance to smite your opponents. This ability is a more tech based ability, showing its strength against other technical fighters. Players utilizing Stealth abilities or Alchemy abilities will be put at a disadvantage by Unarmed users with this ability. At the base tier, this ability gives Absorption I (for 3 seconds), has a 5% chance of igniting an opponent and to remove invisibility, lasting 5 seconds. At the max tier, the ability gives Absorption II (for 5 seconds), has a 25% chance of igniting an opponent, remove invisibility from target and cleanse yourself of all negative potion effects, lasting 6 seconds. You can not smite an opponent that is already on fire however.

Tier Unlock Level Absorption Level Smite Chance Smite Duration Remove Inivis Remove Debuffs Ability Duration Cooldown
I 200 1 5.0% 5 seconds true false 3 160 seconds
II 350 1 10.0% 5 seconds true false 3 160 seconds
III 500 1 15.0% 5 seconds true true 4 160 seconds
IV 650 1 20.0% 5 seconds true true 5 160 seconds
V 800 2 25.0% 5 seconds true true 6 160 seconds

Dense Impact

Dense Impact is an ability that gives unarmed users an upperhand against heavily armoured foes. The ability will negate all damage the player deals to a target, instead dealing damage to the opponents armour directly. At the base tier, the ability lasts for 2 seconds and does 1 damage per hit. Upon reaching max tier, the ability lasts for 4 seconds and does 3 damage per hit to armour.

Tier Unlock Level Armour Damage Duration Cooldown
I 300 1 2 seconds 200 seconds
II 475 1 3 seconds 200 seconds
III 650 2 3 seconds 200 seconds
IV 825 2 4 seconds 200 seconds
V 1000 3 4 seconds 200 seconds
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