Icepack version 1.2.0 is being released with CICE6.1.0. This release adds the joint thickness and floe size distribution (FSD) feature as well as other technical enhancements. Because of changes in several interface routines noted below, this version is NOT backwards compatible with prior versions. We continue to work toward a set of interfaces for Icepack that are flexible, extensible and easy to maintain, so that future Icepack upgrades minimize the amount of changes required in host models.
Major changes:
- Add the joint thickness and floe size distribution (FSD) of L. Roach and colleagues. This introduces a non backwards compatible change to icepack_step_therm1 due to a new argument, fside. #281 #286 #288
- Update Icepack interface calls to use keywords in the Icepack driver #282
- Technical updates and interface refactoring #285, #289
- Rename interface routines in icepack_mushy_physics and add them to icepack_intfc
- temperature_mush -> icepack_mushy_temperature_mush
- liquid_fraction -> icepack_mushy_liquid_fraction
- density_brine -> icepack_mushy_density_brine
- Rename two interfaces in icepack_zbgc for clarity (not backwards compatible)
- icepack_init_ocean_conc -> icepack_init_ocean_bio
- icepack_init_OceanConcArray -> icepack_load_ocean_bio_array
- Introduce default initialization for tracer indices and flags
- Modify icepack_step_therm2 interface (not backwards compatible)
- Remove n_aero argument to move toward use of internal value
- Modify icepack_step_radiation interface (not backwards compatible)
- Remove several tracer flags and indices to move toward use of internal value
- Split large tracer array and instead pass specific individual tracer arrays
- Rename argument zbion to trcrn_bgcsw
- Modify several routines in icepack_shortwave.F90 to use internal values of tracer flags and indices
- Refactor several routines in icepack_tracers.F90 (not backwards compatible)
- Merge _sizes and _numbers interfaces and rename as _sizes
- Add ncat, nilyr, nslyr, nblyr, and nfsd in icepack tracer _sizes methods
- Move eight "n" arguments from icepack tracer _indices interfaces to icepack tracer _sizes interfaces
- Fix error in NBGCLYR value in icepack bgcsklNice test (not bit-for-bit)
- Rename interface routines in icepack_mushy_physics and add them to icepack_intfc
- Enhance documentation #284 #285
- Update Version number #287
- Improve automation of test reporting and Zenodo links #278
Bug fixes:
- Number of BGC layers for skeletal-layer NICE test case #285