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Create Purchase Order PDF

Brian Collins edited this page Apr 23, 2014 · 9 revisions


As any user I want to create a PDF version of the purchase order so that I can email or print it

This user story is implemented under this issue.


Purchase order examples can be found here - single page and multiple page.


  1. I presume you don’t need Contract Number and would just include it in the item description if necessary? No. Include reference number instead
  2. Splitting out GST on each line is easy if you want to do it – just let me know. Yes
  3. Do you need the facility to have a multi-line description as in the example? No. 30 character limit.
  4. We’ve previously dispensed with quantity and unit price. Do you want to reinstate them? Usage could be optional. No
  5. Should the contact person be the creator or the approver (or some generic person)? Do you want an individual phone number and/or an email address? (We currently store the email address but not the phone number. Easy to add, though) creator and phone number
  6. Do we need to be able to handle multiple pages? If so, what goes in the footer for the interim pages? probably not. Try it and see.
  7. What do you want to do about delivery instructions?. Multi-line delivery address in PO
  8. Do you want to get rid of the alternating background colours for the line items in my original example? Yes
  9. Colours or grey-scale? grey scale


Testing covered in other user stories which make use of the PDF.

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