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Actors for User Stories

Brian Collins edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 11 revisions

POPS requires the following actors:

  • Creator - (All Staff) Creates and submits purchase orders for approval.
  • Approver - (Manager or Coordinator) Edits and approves submitted purchase orders. Can also act as a user to create and submit purchase orders and approve the same unless for personal expenditure.
  • Processor - (ie Accounts Staff) Reviews, edits and processes approved purchase orders. Can also act as a user and maybe an approver (ie Finance Manager) but can not both approve and review the same order.
  • Administrator - System admin functions including user administration and report printing.
  • TBR Administrator - Access to TBR services maintenance, file upload and all reports.
  • TBR User - Access to manager summary and reports for associated services.

This user story is implemented under this issue.


  1. Will the auditors need access? I think that an Accounts Officer login would be ok for the auditors to review any processed purchase orders and confirm authorisation.
  2. Do you want to change User to Submitter in line with the generalisation of the other roles? I have played with the names a bit and have not settled on my final answer. What about Creator, Approver, Processor (for User, Manager, Accounts Officer)?
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