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[EN] Tuto 3 Tournament parameters
There are a lot of combination of rankings and pairing. The following paragraph explain how to use them in several cases. This list is not exaustive.
- By Team or individual
- In the case of a team tournament, the pairing
- Ranking criterias
- In the case of a team tournament, the team victory or the sum of coach's points ?
- By Points (mostly selected)
- By votories, draws, defeats
- ....
- Annex crierias (Injuries, fouls, etc....)
- Tie-breakers
- Opponents points
- Opponents points except own matchs
- defense
- touchdown difference
- ...
- Points value
- Points for victory, draw, defeat
- Annex criterias and annex bonuses,
- Table bonus
- Table or group ponderation
- Second rankings
- Clans
- Categories
- Groups
- and when the round is generated, the pairing type:
- Random
- Swiss
- Quick Swiss,
- Cup
- Manual
- ....
Example (Classic swiss round: Ainpacte, BLOCK, etc ...)
In the first screen, select individual tournament. The following parameters values have been already used:
Parameter | Melting Bowl | Trophé de la licorne | Ain Pacte |
Large victory | non | non | non |
Victory | 1000 | 100 | 1000 |
Draw | 400 | 40 | 400 |
Small defeat | non | non | 100 |
Defeat | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Touchdown | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Injuries | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Foul | 0 | 1 | 0 |
In addition, a ranking method shall be selected, the order is mostly:
- Points
- Opponents points or Opponents points except own match
In addition, touchdowns difference can be added.
1. Clans
The clans definition is designed to:
Avoid than members of a same clan plays against (first round only or whole tournamenet).
create a ranking in using the X best players of each clan.
- Categories
The categories are designed to create specific rankings (rookies, junior, ...)
3. Groups
The groups are designed to create some ranking by rosters.
1. Individual pairing
Example (formerly le NABOT and recently the CRAAAC)
In the welcome screen, team tournament shall be selected and individual pairing. Everything will occur like an individual tournament, except than the team ranking will be the sum of coach's points and the coachs of the same team will not play against each other.
2. Individual tournament with balancing
Example (formerly the CRAAAC)
In the first screen, the team tournament with individual pairing shall be selected. Everything will occur like the previous case. But the software will try to banlance the number of matches between each team. The basic allocation is a swiss round, the result may be unexpected.
3. Team pairing
In the first screen, the team tournament with team pairing shall be selected
The possible ranking parameters to choose are "Sum of coach's points" or "team victory". In the second case, the individual settings are still usable, but are used only for MVP ranking and has no influence on team ranking.
- Double Suisse Example (Rugbowl)
For the round generation, the individual pairing option to choose is "Swiss round".
- Captain's choice Example (Eurobowl 2010, Bowl des vignes)
For the round generation, the individual pairing option to choose is "manual". The oppositions shall be generated manually.
- Hasard
For the round generation, the individual pairing option to choose is "Random".
4. clans
This the same than for individual clans, it is possible to define team clans and then avoid those teams plays against (for the first round or during the whole tournament).
Individually or by team, it is possible to create pools. For this, when the first round is generated, the "Pool" options shall be selected. The second choice to do is the number of players by pool. If there are not enough competitors, the pools are filled with empty competitors.
It is also possible to choose the order in the pools in case of there are ordered choice to do.
The complete ranking (including all the pools) take account internal ranking of the pool. For example, all the first competitors of the pools will ben the first of the complete ranking, even if a second of a pool has more points.
It is possible to transorm a tournament into a cup at any round. It is necesssary to determine how many round are remaining. If there was already played rounds, the current ranking is taken account for creating cup matches (first against the last, etc ..).
If there are not enough players, the cup is completed by empty player end the matches are automatically won by the "real" players.
It is possible to keep predetermine fixtures or mix the competitors for every round.
It is also possible to play in a double elimination cup. In this precise case, the definitive elimination is done after losing 2 matches.
For the first generatuin, the "Round robin" choice generates all the championship (1 match or 2 matches) rounds.
An empty round is created, the it is possible to add some matches manually in using the meny "Current Round/Add free match". This feature can be used for an open league.
An interclan tournament can be an individual tournament. The clans ranking is automatically created in using the X best players of each clan. It is also mandatory to check the option avoiding players of the same clan to play against each other.
- FR - Accueil / EN - Welcome
- FR- Créer un tournoi / EN - Create a tournament
- FR - Paramètres du tournoi / EN - Tournament Settings
- FR- Première ronde / EN - First Round
- FR - Ronde Courante / EN - Current Round
- FR - Statistiques / EN - Statistics
- FR - Coupe / EN - Cup
- FR - Ecrans pleine page / EN - Full screen display
- FR - Menu Outils / EN - Tools menu
- FR - Menu Paramètres / EN - Parameters
- FR - Mode Client-Serveur / EN - Remote mode
- FR - Serveur Web / EN- Web server
- FR - Tutoriels / EN - Tutorials
- FR - Team Orga / EN - Team Orga
- FR - En cas de Bug / EN - In case of bug
- FR - Paramètre d'un tournoi / EN - Tournament settings