Count kmers in regions or at SNVs or at indel breakpoints.
kmer_counter requires Python 3.7 or above.
With pip
pip install kmer_counter
With pipx
pipx install kmer_counter
To count the 3-mers at SNVs do:
kmer_counter snv {genome}.2bit {snv_file}
Where the {snv_file}
should be a vcf-like text file where the first four columns are: Chromosome, Position, Ref_Allele, Alt_Allele. Fx:
chr1 1000000 A G
chr1 1000200 G C
chr1 1000300 A T
chr1 1000500 C G
Comments or header lines starting with "#" are allowed and will be ignored and any additional columns are also allowed but ignored. So a vcf file is also a valid input file.
The Ref_Allele column should match the reference genome provided by the 2bit file. 2bit files can be downloaded from:{genome}/bigZips/{genome}.2bit
where {genome}
is a valid UCSC genome assembly name (fx. "hg38").
To count all 5-mers in a bed file called {regions}.bed do:
kmer_counter background --bed {regions}.bed -radius 2 {genome}.2bit
By default all k-mers where the middle base is not A or C will be reverse complemented before being counted. This behaviour can be changed using the "--reverse_complement_method". If we instead wants to count 4-mers, we can use the "--before_after" option:
kmer_counter background --bed {regions}.bed --before_after 2 1 {genome}.2bit
When this option is used the default is not to reverse complement any of the k-mers but count all.
To count one of the possible insertion breakpoint 4-mer for each insertion in a vcf-like file with variants do:
kmer_counter indel -r 2 --sample {genome}.2bit {variants} ins
And for deletion start breakpoints:
kmer_counter indel -r 2 --sample {genome}.2bit {variants} del_start
This will produce 2 counts for each deletion; one for the start breakpoint and one for the reverse complement at the k-mer at end breakpoint.