A Labs project is to collect and structure all the available study materials in our department. Not only materials created by our teammates, but any public resources that can help our mentors to support our mentee evolve
The high-level structure contains roadmaps and skills.
The term skill was taken from WoD. It's a group of materials within a single high-level topic.
Git, Business Communication
Roadmap is a set of skills that is required for a specific specialization.
Frontend, Testing
Roadmap can be based on another roadmap.
React Frontend, Manual Testing, Automation Testing
Before you start, please look at the detailed structure description for skills.
All the details about adding or updating content can be found here
A roadmap can be created either manually or dynamically. To build a roadmap dynamically, include it into the roadmap configuration. Every time a change in the skill folder is committed to the main branch the GitHub Action is triggered to rebuild roadmaps.