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Backend overview


Backend refers to the logic and functions that happen behind the scenes but is necessary for the user to be able to send and receive information back and forth between the frontend and the database. Often used for server-side rendering as opposed to client-side rendering which is processed by the frontend, both of the elements work in tandem to provide for a well-functioning and efficient application. Backend developers build the “under the hood” parts of websites or mobile apps that users don’t interact with directly. This means that a back-end developer must be able to write code to receive the information input from the user and also save it somewhere – like in a database (relational or non relational).

It includes all the code needed to build out the database, server, and application. From database migrations to API integrations to setting up the server-side technologies that make a website tick.


  • Working knowledge of back-end development (configuration, administration and management of databases and servers)
  • Security and authentication best practices
  • Back-End Tools and Technology
  • Experience writing RESTful APIs


  • Client-server general overview
  • WEb servers
  • Middleware
  • APIs
  • Postman app
  • Token-based Authentication and Single Sign-on
    • JSON Web Token (JWT)
    • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Theoretical Materials

Name Type Short Description
The Beginner’s Guide to Backend Development article The Beginner’s Guide to Backend Development
What is back-end? video What is back-end?
What is a web server? article What is a web server?
Rest API Definition for Beginners article Rest API Definition for Beginners
What Are APIs? - Simply Explained video What Are APIs? - Simply Explained
Understand the Difference Between SOAP and REST APIs video Understand the Difference Between SOAP and REST APIs
Middleware. NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework article Middleware. NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework
What is an API and how does it work? video What is an API and how does it work?
Node.js Crash Course Tutorial #8 - Middleware video Node.js Crash Course Tutorial #8 - Middleware
Best practices for REST API security: Authentication and authorization article Best practices for REST API security: Authentication and authorization
JSON vs XML article Read short article about JSON and XML comparison
A Comprehensive Guide To Backend Tech article A Comprehensive Guide To Backend Tech
Most Used REST API Authentication Methods article Read about most used REST API Authentication methods
Awesome list of GraphQL article Awesome list of GraphQL
The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL video The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
OWASP Top Ten article Top 10 Web Application Security Risks


Theoretical Materials| Name | Type | Short Description

Name Type Short Description
Docker Tutorial for Beginners video Get started using Docker with this end-to-end beginners course with hands-on labs.



As a backend developer, understanding databases is a crucial part of your job, as data storage and retrieval is often one of the primary tasks of a backend system. SQL and NoSQL databases are two of the most popular types of databases used in modern software development. Here are a few reasons why a backend developer should learn about both:

SQL databases: Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. SQL databases are ideal for handling structured data and are used by many businesses for their reliability and data consistency. As a backend developer, understanding SQL databases can help you create efficient, scalable, and reliable applications. Additionally, SQL is a widely used language that is not specific to any particular database system, so knowledge of SQL can be applied across multiple database platforms.

NoSQL databases: NoSQL databases are designed to handle unstructured or semi-structured data, which can be a better fit for certain types of applications, such as those that require high scalability or real-time data processing. As a backend developer, learning about NoSQL databases can help you identify when this type of database is more appropriate for your application needs. NoSQL databases also offer a flexible schema design, which means you can quickly iterate and change your data model as needed, which is useful for agile development.

Hybrid solutions: In some cases, a combination of SQL and NoSQL databases may be the best solution for an application. Understanding both types of databases can help you design more complex systems that take advantage of the strengths of each type of database. For example, you might use a SQL database to store structured data, while using a NoSQL database for unstructured data or as a caching layer.

In summary, backend developers should learn about both SQL and NoSQL databases because they each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding how to use them effectively can help you build more robust and scalable applications.


  • Fundamentals Structured Query Language
  • Tables, Views, Stored procedures
  • Indexes
  • Joins, Groups
  • Storage subsystems, Transactions

Theoretical Materials| Name | Type | Short Description

Name Type Short Description
Introduction to SQL, noSQL databases article Introduction
SQL fundamentals tutorial SQL fundamentals
What is nosql? video noSql
noSql mongodDB tutorial noSql
stored procedures article stored procedures
views article views
views article views
indexes article indexes
Transactions article Transactions



Node.js is a powerful and popular runtime environment for server-side JavaScript applications. It allows developers to use JavaScript to build high-performance, scalable, and efficient network applications, such as web servers, APIs, and real-time applications.

Node.js provides a wide range of built-in modules that can be used to perform various tasks, such as file I/O, networking, cryptography, and more. It also has a vibrant ecosystem of third-party modules and packages that can be easily integrated into applications, making it a popular choice for developers across a range of industries.


  • Installing / configuring IDE
  • V8, libuv, Event loop, worker threads, child_process
  • Module System (commonJS, ES, global / module vars)
  • Node.js async development / Control flow
  • Node.js Profiling and Debugging
  • Communication Protocols (http vs https, ws, rest, graphql)
  • Node.js secure app (CORS, JWT, OAuth?) (Experience in Implementing Data Protection)
  • Node.js package managers
  • Events
  • Buffer and Streams
  • Error handling
  • Node.js logging approaches
  • Working with file system
  • Node.js unit / integration testing (creating reasonable and valuable unit-tests) (Understanding the principles of software design, unit and integration testing.)
  • Diagnostics (debugging, tracing, profiling, step debugging)
  • Creating RESTfull services
  • Http,rest(min) performance

Theoretical Materials

Name Type Short Description
V8 Node.js documentation documentation V8 Node.js documentation
How to set up VS Code for Node.js development video How to set up VS Code for Node.js development
Node.js Under The Hood article Node.js Under The Hood
CommonJS vs. ES modules in Node.js article Comparing CommonJS modules and ES modules
Understanding Async Programming in Node.js article Understanding Async Programming in Node.js
Easy profiling for Node.js Applications article Easy profiling for Node.js Applications
Debugging and profiling Node.js applications tutorial Four tools to improve the code quality and performance of your Node applications
Why is HTTP not secure? HTTP vs. HTTPS article HTTP vs. HTTPS: What are the differences?
8 elements of securing Node.js applications article This article covers eight key elements of building security into your software development process to make your Node.js applications and modules robust
Alternative Package Managers For Node.js article Alternative Package Managers For Node.js
Node Events Tutorial. Node.js Tutorials for Beginners video Node Events Tutorial. Node.js Tutorials for Beginners
Streams and Buffers in Node.js article Streams and Buffers in Node.js
Node.js Stream api Documentation documentation Node.js Stream documentation
Node.js FS api Documentation documentation Node.js FS documentation
Error handling in Node.js article Error handling in Node.js
Node.js logging best practices article Node.js logging best practices: The essential guide
How to Write Tests for Node.js article How to Write Tests for Node.js


  1. Create a docker compose file
    • any type DB
    • tools to work with db: DataGrip(trial, license), Table Plus, DB Beaver, Compass(MongoDB)
  2. Create a node js app
    • command line tool
      • CSV -> JSON converter
      • custom logger
        • log to file
        • log to console
        • log levels
      • error handling
      • option to save in DB
    • TCP socket server parser
      • send args and config as message
      • send a file path to start parsing
    • add HTTP interface to parser
      • upload the file via Postman
    • 3rd party API integration



A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript and brings valuable benefits:

  • Better code quality: TypeScript provides developers with the ability to catch errors early on in the development process. This helps to reduce the likelihood of runtime errors and improves the overall reliability of the code.
  • Enhanced code maintainability: With its strong typing system and support for interfaces, TypeScript can make code more maintainable and easier to refactor. This can be particularly helpful when working on large-scale projects or when collaborating with other developers.
  • Enhanced productivity: TypeScript provides several features such as code completion, type checking, and refactoring support that can help to improve developer productivity.


  • Overview
  • Quick start
    • compiler
    • basic tsconfig
    • IDE setup
    • linter
    • first .ts file
  • Migrating from JavaScript
  • Basic ts types
  • Object types
  • type vs interface
  • Classes
  • tsconfig
  • Generics
  • Utility Types
  • Type guards
  • Declaration Files
  • JSDoc


  1. Migrate an existing project to TypeScript or initialize a new one.
    • Make sure that linter and tsconfig are set up
    • Make sure that compilation runs without errors
  2. Add types for environment variables.
  3. Improve classes using access modifiers and interface implementations.
  4. Create a Generic (for example IRepository<T>)
  5. Use a Utility Type


Name Type Description
TypeScript for JavaScript Programmers article TypeScript overview
Typescript with VSCode article Setup TypeScript for VSCode
Typescript with WebStorm article Setup TypeScript for WebStorm
How to setup TypeScript projects in 2021 article
Migrating from JavaScript tutorial js => ts
Basic types documentation Everyday types
Object types documentation How to type objects
Type vs interface stackoverflow stackoverflow Difference between types and interfaces
Type vs interface playground ts playground Difference between types and interfaces
Classes documentation Classes in TypeScript
What is a tsconfig.json documentation tsconfig overview
The recommended base for a TSConfig npm package Recommended tsconfig
TSConfig Reference documentation Full tsconfig documentation
Generics documentation Creating custom types with Generics
Utility Types documentation Common type transformations
Using type predicates documentation User-defined type guards
Declaration Files documentation Definition files
JSDoc Reference documentation JSDoc + TypeScript
Extending js with types but with no bundling github repo Alternatives to full ts solution
Types // as Comments ECMAScript Proposal article \/
ECMAScript proposal: Type Annotations github repo Possible js/ts future
Typed JavaScript? For real? The “type annotations” proposal and what it’s all about by Gil Tayar video /\
Collection of TypeScript type challenges github repo Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
TypeScript Compiler Internals article Understanding TypeScript compiler



Nest.js is a powerful framework for building scalable and maintainable server-side applications with Node.js. Key features:

  • TypeScript support: Nest.js is built on top of TypeScript, which brings type safety, better code organization, and easier debugging.
  • Modularity: Nest.js promotes modular architecture, which makes it easier to manage and test large codebases.
  • Scalability: Nest.js is designed to be scalable and supports microservice architecture, allowing to build complex applications that can handle high traffic.
  • Extensibility: Nest.js is highly extensible and supports a variety of plugins and modules to help customize and enhance the application.


  • Decorators
  • Setup
  • Modules
  • Services
  • Controllers
  • Providers
  • Pipes
  • Guards
  • Database integration
  • Tests
  • Security
    • Authentication
    • Authorization
    • CORS
    • Helmet


  1. Set up Nest.js
  2. Create domain model
  3. Create domain services
  4. Create application services including:
  • CRUD
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Integration with external systems
  • Validation
  1. Create infrastructure
  • Storage (database, cache)
  • Logger
  1. Create controllers
  2. Cover with tests


Name Type Description
Nest.js overview article Introduction to Nest.js and philosophy
JavaScript decorators article JavaScript Decorators: What They Are and When to Use Them
TypeScript decorators documentation How to use decorators in TypeScript
First steps documentation Core fundamentals of Nest.js
Getting started with NestJS article First steps, controllers, services, modules
Modules documentation All about modules
Controllers documentation All about controllers
Providers documentation All about providers
Pipes documentation All about pipes
Guards documentation All about guards
Series: API with NestJS tutorial Full Nest.js tutorial
Setting up a PostgreSQL database with TypeORM tutorial
Setting up PostgreSQL and Prisma tutorial
Introduction to MongoDB tutorial
Working with PostgreSQL using raw SQL queries tutorial
Error handling and data validation tutorial
Looking into dependency injection and modules tutorial
Testing documentation Official documentation about testing
Writing unit tests tutorial
Running unit tests with CI/CD and GitHub Actions tutorial
Testing NestJS services with integration tests tutorial
Authentication documentation Official documentation about authentication
Authenticating users with bcrypt, Passport, JWT and cookies tutorial
Two-factor authentication tutorial
Server-side sessions tutorial
Authenticating users with Google tutorial
Authorization documentation Official documentation about authorization
Authorization with roles and claims tutorial
CORS documentation Official documentation about CORS
Exploring the idea of microservices tutorial
Nest.js Crash Course videos Quick introduction through a playlist of short videos



Why is learning about architectures in backend development important?

  • Scalability: As your application grows and the number of users increases, you need to ensure that your backend architecture can handle the load. By learning about different architectures, you can choose the best one for your application and ensure that it can scale effectively.

  • Maintainability: A well-designed architecture can make it easier to maintain and update your code. By learning about different architectures, you can choose the one that is most appropriate for your application and make sure that it is maintainable in the long run.

  • Code organization: A good architecture can help you keep your code organized and structured. This makes it easier to understand and modify in the future.

  • Best practices: Learning about different architectures will expose you to best practices and design patterns that can help you write better code. This can also help you to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes in your code.

Overall, learning about different architectures in Node.js backend development will make you a more effective and valuable developer.


  • Monolithic architecture
  • Microservices architecture
  • Layered pattern
  • MV* pattern
  • Event-Driven pattern

General backend best practices

Theoretical Materials| Name | Type | Short Description | Priority | Estimation (h) |

Name Type Short Description Priority Estimation (h)
Guidelines for using architecture patterns tutorial Guidelines for using architecture patterns 1 1
Layered Architecture article Layered pattern description 1 1
Monolithic Architecture article Monolithic architecture description 1 1
Monolithic Architecture article Monolithic architecture description 1 1
Microservices Architecture article Microservices architecture description 1 1
Microservices Architecture video Microservices architecture description 1 1
Microservices Architecture video Microservices architecture description 1 1
Event Driven Architecture article Event-driven architecture description 1 1
Client-server article Client-server pattern description 1 1
A Guided Tour inside a clean architecture article A Guided Tour inside a clean architecture code base 2 1
Clean architecture for the rest of us article Clean architecture for the rest of us 2 1
Model-View-* article Model-View-Whatever 2 1
Model-View-* video Model-View-Whatever 2 1
Model-View-Controller code Model-View-Controller 2 1
Clean Architecture and Design video Clean Architecture and Design 1 1
Event Driven video Event Driven Architecture 1 1
Event Driven code Event Driven Architecture 1 1



CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, which is a set of practices that involve automating the building, testing, and deployment of software applications. The goal of CI/CD is to enable rapid and frequent releases of software updates while maintaining the quality of the code.

In a CI/CD workflow, developers commit their code changes to a version control system, and the CI/CD pipeline automatically builds and tests the code. If the tests pass, the code is then deployed to a staging environment for further testing and feedback. Once the code is deemed ready, it is automatically deployed to production.

CI/CD offers several benefits to web developers, including:

  • Faster and more frequent releases: With CI/CD, code changes can be deployed to production more frequently, enabling developers to deliver new features and fixes more quickly.
  • Increased confidence in code quality: Automated testing ensures that code changes meet quality standards, reducing the risk of errors and bugs in production.
  • Better collaboration and communication: By using a shared pipeline, developers can easily collaborate and communicate with each other, leading to better coordination and fewer errors.
  • Improved productivity: By automating many of the time-consuming tasks involved in building and deploying software, CI/CD frees up developers to focus on writing code and delivering new features.

In summary, learning CI/CD is valuable for web developers as it can improve their productivity, code quality, and collaboration with their team. It also helps them deliver new features and updates faster and with greater confidence.


  • Github Actions and practice
  • Quality gates
  • Tests integration
  • Static analysis
  • Container registry
  • Deployments provider (will use Digitalocean for practise)

Theoretical Materials| Name | Type | Short Description

Name Type Short Description
What is CI/CD article CI/CD explained
A curated list of awesome things related to GitHub Actions tutorial A curated list of awesome things related to GitHub Actions
Github Actions — Everything You Need to Know to Get Started article Github Actions— Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
Github Actions — tutorial tutorial Github actions tutorial
What are quality gates article Quality gates
Integration tests article Integration tests
Integration tests and practices code Integration tests
Static analysis article static analysis tests
Static analysis example, sonarqube article static analysis tests
Container registry article Registry
Container registry article Registry
Container registry, Docker CI/CD tutorial Docker CI/CD, registry
Popular cloud server providers tutorial Cloud server providers