A Powershell script to install Developer menu, bootshim and LK onto your Lumia
- Unlock your device with WPinternals
- From WPinternals, reboot to mass storage mode (you might want to make a Win32DiskImager backup)
- Clone this repo
- Run install.bat
- Choose the path to EFIESP (Windows might also have mounted it inside MainOS)
- Unmount mass storage
- Reboot the device (keep pressed power key)
- Device should output some print stuff then go into a black screen, you SHOULD be in LK by that point.(check device manager and install drivers)
- The script will boot you in TWRP, make the partitions needed for android and back up your provisioned partitions.
- You will reboot to the bootloader after this process is done, it will flash TWRP and reboot to it again.
- Then you will have to sideload the LOS rom of your choice (for now only 18.1 is available).
- Then continue with the script, it will reboot you to the bootloader to flash the kernel, (WIP: and modem) then boot you in android.
- Enjoy!