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drakehutner edited this page Apr 23, 2013 · 2 revisions

Usage instructions

After successfully starting the hydra instance the builtin command line interface will open up. This serves a the main administration tool.

Connecting to another node / network

To connect to another network you need to set up your own network connector interface. This is done by typing

port <PORT>

into the command line. <PORT> is the network port, on which the hydra will listen to incoming packets.

A connection to a remote node can be established using the connect command.


<REMOTE_IP> is the address of the remote node; <REMOTE_PORT> refers to the port on which the remote node is listening.

After the connection is established, the two nodes will exchange information about their peer network and start interconnecting to every other node inside the network.

Switching between nodes

It is possible to switch between the nodes inside the network, from the builtin command line interface.



to get a list of all nodes in the network.

To switch to another node type

node <Number>

where <Number> is the number of the node in the nodes list.

To switch back to your local node type


Node shutdown

To shutdown your hydra instance, type


Complete Command Reference

The complete reference for all commands can be found in the wiki.