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drakehutner edited this page Apr 24, 2012 · 1 revision

Packet Format

Version: 1.0 , 24th April 2012

Basic Structure

The network packets can be formatted using the XML or the JSON-language. JSON is a bit more lightweight than XML , but since both formats are a representation of a tree, they should be exchangable.

A basic packet possibly has the following structure. (This is open for discussion)

	   |  +--Command type
	   |  \--Command parameters
	      +--payload length
	      +--payload type
	      \--payload data


The version is composed by two number. A major and a minor version number, separated by a dot. Compatibility must be ensured between minor version changes. A change in the major version, could result in a complete new structure, therefore backwards compatibility can be discarded.

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