This release has been based on GlassFish Server Open Source 4.1.2 which was released on March 31, 2017.
PAYARA-2113 - Misleading message for stop-domain if domain1 is not running
PAYARA-2171 - Add timeout parameter to start-instance command
PAYARA-2232 - Add link to generated application.wadl into Admin Console and Payara Micro log
PAYARA-2257 - A command to remove config from MP configuration source
PAYARA-2274 - Add rotation and compression of notification.log
PAYARA-2304 - Payara Micro should deploy applications without --deploy option
PAYARA-2325 - Change the log level of cache full warning in Frequent SQL Tracer
PAYARA-2340 - Patch Soteria to make some utility types public
PAYARA-2341 - Repackage jcip-annotations to add osgi manifest
PAYARA-2356 - Set Last modification time on files in Secret dir test
PAYARA-2398 - Add option to disable Payara Notification logging to file
PAYARA-2049 - Virtual server log-file property doesn’t affect output file
PAYARA-2221 - resourceAdapter property of ActivationConfigProperty is not substituted
PAYARA-2230 - Asadmin recorder fails to save commands for editing JDBC connection pools properties
PAYARA-2258 - Support generic type for injected MicroProfile configuration
PAYARA-2281 - System property substitution fails in asadmin recorder for get/set commands
PAYARA-2305 - Remove WARNING that Timer Store is not part of the Web Profile in Payara Micro
PAYARA-2326 - Unsupported JDK Version in OpenMQ and 5.1.1-b02.payara-p2
PAYARA-2327 - History log files are not retained however their count is less than the maximum
PAYARA-2333 - Regression in annotation scanning affecting Payara Embedded
PAYARA-2355 - ServletContext#declareRoles is largely ignored
PAYARA-2395 - Unable to load properties from at deployment cause failure
PAYARA-2470 - MicroProfile Config method getPropertyNames isn’t implemented
These defects are most probably present also in the upstream GlassFish Server version.
PAYARA-2226 - Access logging fails to take DST correctly into account
PAYARA-2278 - Remote EJB lookups in the cluster are updated by GMS incorrectly
PAYARA-2311 - Turning off dynamic reloading in Micro 174 results in NPE in the logs
PAYARA-2337 - Historical log files are not deleted when log file name isn’t server.log