It's a 3rd version of a tool for real time debugging data visualization. This version is based on a message processing graph and MoveMe framework for node ui.
- GIT (
- Python 2.7.6 32bit (
- setuptools 1.4.2
- Go to
- Go to Windows section for description here
- Download "" from
- Run ""
- PyZmq 14.0.1 (Run "easy_install pyzmq" from "C:\Python27\Scripts\" or your Python location)
- Tornado 3.2 (Run "easy_install tornado" from "C:\Python27\Scripts\" or your Python location)
- WxPython 3.0 32bit unicode (Download and run "wxPython3.0-win32-" from
- NumPy 1.8.0 (1.6.2 also works) (First install vcforpython27 from and then run "easy_install numpy" from "C:\Python27\Scripts\" or your Python location)
- Matplotlib 1.3.1 (Run "easy_install matplotlib" from "C:\Python27\Scripts\" or your Python location)
- OpenCV 3.0.0-rc1 with Python binding
- Install OpenCV from ""
- Copy "cv2.pyd" from "C:\opencv\build\python\x86\2.7\" to "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\" or to "RemoteConsolePlus3\RemoteConsolePlus3"
- easy_install pyparsing
- easy_install dateutils
It was also tested on 8(x64), 8.1(x64) with similar dependecnies.
It will probably work with newer libraries.
- Download it: "git clone --recursive"
- Go to "RemoteConsolePlus3\RemoteConsolePlus3\"
- Run ""
- It will try to find "Default.rcp" in a working directory, so it's important to run it from a right place
- If you have managed to run it and it has not crashed, you should see a window with a graph where you can move nodes.
- Right click on the node "SendToWebSocket" it should be on a right side and almost all connections should lead to it.
- Select "Open console in browser"
- Now you should see a browser with opened console web-page
- Run "" from the "RemoteConsolePlus3\RemoteConsolePlus3\"
- You should see some output in browser
- If you have a web-camera, run "" from the "RemoteConsolePlus3\RemoteConsolePlus3\"
- You should see images from your web-camera in browser
- If you have C++ clients from "", you can run some of test projects and see some debug output in browser