This is a C++ client for the "RemoteConsolePlus3" project (
- Visual Studio 2013 (Visual Studio 2012 should also work but it is not tested, 2010 will not work because C++11 is used in this project)
- Decide where you want to put it. The easiest way, from an integration point of view, is to clone it to the folder where your solution (.sln) file is. I would reacommend to read this readme file completely to understand where to put it
- Download it: "git clone --recursive"
- Open the "RCPClientCPP\Project\RCPClientCPP.sln" solution
- Select appropriate build configuration (Release/Debug and Static/Dynamic linking)
- If you use something different from MSVS2013, you may want to change Platform Toolset
- Open Solution Explorer
- Select all projects
- Click on: Menu -> Project -> Properties
- Select: Configuration Properties -> General
- Select "All Configurations" in "Configuration" dropdown menu
- Change Platform Toolset to an appropriate value
- Build the "RCPClient" project (NOT an entire solution, if you build an entire solution, you'll get some errors because some test projects can be built with static/dynamic linking only)
- Select dynamic linking configuration (Debug/Release)
- Build and run the "RCPClientTest" project
- Select static linking configuration (StaticDebug/StaticRelease)
- Build and run the "RCPClientTestStatic" project
- Build and run the "VariousTestsStatic" project
- Copy (or just download) "RCPClientCPP" project folder right next to your solution (.sln) file
- Build the "RCPClient" project using both StaticDebug and StaticRelease configurations
- Add "RCPClientCPPStatic.props" property sheet to your project properties
- Open Property Manager
- Right click on your project name
- Add existing property sheet
- Navigate to "\RCPClientCPP\Project\"
- Select "RCPClientCPPStatic.props"
- Include "RCP.h" to your source files
So you just need to know that:
- Header files live in "RCPClientCPP\Include\"
- Binaries (.dll) and libraries (.lib for both static and dynamic linking) live in "RCPClientCPP\Bin\"