If you are searching for Truffle or Hardhat tutorial, please follow the links.
To be able to run the tutorial steps that require an operational development network (like deploying and testing), please refer to the guide on how to setup a local development network.
hello-world: This tutorial contains instructions on how to setup a simple Waffle project that is compatible, deployable and testable with Acala EVM+.
echo: This tutorial builds upon the previous one and adds return values to the function calls, events and changes of storage variables.
token: This tutorial builds upon the previous ones and adds the ERC20 token using OpenZeppelin dependency.
NFT: This tutorial demonstrates how to build a NFT contract in Acala EVM+.
This section of tutorials uses Acala EVM+ specific mechanics and is incompatible with the legacy EVM. It introduces the use of our precompiled smart contracts that are accessible to anyone using the Acala EVM+
- precompiled-token: This tutorial utilizes the precompiled and
predeployed ERC20 tokens present in the Acala EVM+. It uses the
utility, which serves as an automatic getter of the precompiled smart contract addresses, so we don't have to seach for them in the documentation and hardcode them into our project.