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Waffle example: token

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This is an example that builds upon the echo example. Echo was a simple example on building an intreactable state changing smart contract. Token is an example of ERC20 token implementation in Acala EVM+. We won't be building an administrated or upgradeable token and we will use OpenZeppelin ERC20 implementation. For the setup and naming, replace the echo with token. Let's jump into it!

Smart contract

In this tutorial we will be adding a simple smart contract that imports the ERC20 smart contract from openzeppelin/contracts and has a constructor that sets the initial balance of the sender (which also represents the total supply of the token) as well as the name of the token and its abbriveration:

To be able to import the ERC20 from OpenZeppelin, we have to add @openzeppelin/contracts as a development dependency:

yarn add --dev @openzeppelin/contracts

Now that we have edded the @openzeppelin/contracts dependency, we can focus on building our smart contract. Your empty smart contract should look like this:

pragma solidity =0.8.9;

contract Token{

Import of the ERC20 from @openzeppelin/contracts is done between the pragma definition and the start od the contract block:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

As we now have access to ERC20.sol from @openzeppelin/contracts, we can set the inheritance of our Token contract:

contract Token is ERC20 {

As the ERC20 already has the full fungible token standard implementation, we only have to add a constructor() function that sets all of the values:

    constructor(uint256 _initialBalance) ERC20("Token", "TKN") public {
        _mint(msg.sender, _initialBalance);

We pass the initial balance of the token as _intialBalance and it will be assigned to the account that initiates the deployment of the smart contract. We also pass Token as the name of our example token and TKN for its abbriveration to the ERC20 contract that our Token contract is inheriting.

This concludes our Token smart contract.

Your contracts/Token.sol should look like this:
pragma solidity =0.8.9;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract Token is ERC20 {
    constructor(uint256 _initialBalance) ERC20("Token", "TKN") public {
        _mint(msg.sender, _initialBalance);

As the Token smart contract is ready to be compiled, we can use the yarn build command (like we did in the hello-world) to compile the smart contract, which will create the build directory and contain the compiled smart contract.


Your test file should be named Token.test.ts and the empty test along with the import statement should look like this:

import { expect, use } from 'chai';
import { deployContract, solidity } from 'ethereum-waffle';
import { Contract, ethers } from 'ethers';

import { evmChai, Signer, TestProvider } from '@acala-network/bodhi';

import Token from '../build/Token.json';
import { getTestProvider } from '../utils/setup';


const NULL_ADDRESS = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";

describe("Token", () => {


In addition to the similar import statements to the ones in the echo the NULL_ADDRESS is also defined. It is used for validating the incorrect calls.

First thing to add to the Echo describe block are the provider, deployer, user, instance, deployerAddress and userAddress variables. Within the before action we assign the TestProvider to provider, Signer to the wallet and user variables, deployerAddress and userAddress are used to store the addresses of deployer and user and deployed contract to instance. The after action will disconnect from the provider:

    let provider: TestProvider;
    let deployer: Signer;
    let user: Signer;
    let instance: Contract;
    let deployerAddress: String;
    let userAddress: String;

    before(async () => {
      provider = await getTestProvider();
      [deployer, user] = await provider.getWallets();
      instance = await deployContract(deployer, Token, [1234567890]);
      deployerAddress = await deployer.getAddress();
      userAddress = await user.getAddress();

    after(async () => {

There are two describe blocks within Token block. The Deployment block validates that the smart contract was deployed as expected and the Operation block validates the operation of the smart contract:

    describe("Deployment", () => {

    describe("Operation", () => {

Deployment block contains the examples that validate the expected initial state of the smart contract:

  1. The name should equal Token.
  2. The symbol should equal TKN.
  3. The total supply of the smart contract should equal 1234567890.
  4. The initial balance of the deployer account should equal 1234567890.
  5. The user account should have 0 balance.
  6. The allowances should be set to 0 when the smart contract is deployed.
      it("should assing correct name to Token", async () => {

      it("should assign correct symbol", async () => {
        expect(await instance.symbol()).to.equal("TKN");

      it("should assign correct total supply", async () => {
        expect((await instance.totalSupply()).toNumber()).to.equal(1234567890);

      it("should assign appropriate balance to the deployer", async () => {
        expect((await instance.balanceOf(deployerAddress)).toNumber()).to.equal(1234567890);

      it("should not assign balance to a random address", async () => {
        expect((await instance.balanceOf(userAddress)).toNumber()).to.equal(0);

      it("should set the allowances to 0", async () => {
        expect((await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress)).toNumber()).to.equal(0);

The Operation block in itself is separated into two describe blocks, wihch are separated in itself:

  1. Transfer: Contains the test cases to validate the transaction functionality of ERC20 tokens:
  • transfer(): Validates the correct operation of the transfer() function.
  1. Allowances: Contains the test cases to validate the allowances and connected functionality of ERC20 tokens:
  • approve(): Validates the correct operation of the approve() function.

  • increaseAllowance(): Validates the correct operation of the increaseAllowance() function.

  • decreaseAllowance(): Validates the correct operation of the decreaseAllowance() function.

  • transferFrom(): Validates the correct operation of the transferFrom() function.

The contents of the Operation block should look like this:

      describe("Transfer", () => {
        describe("transfer()", () => {


      describe("Allowances", () => {
        describe("approve", () => {


        describe("increaseAllowance", () => {


        describe("decreaseAllowance()", () => {


        describe("transferFrom()", () => {


The transfer() example validates the following:

  1. When transferring tokens, the balances should be updated.

  2. Transfer event should be emitted.

  3. Transfers to 0x0 address should be reverted.

  4. Trying to transfer more than own balance should be reverted.

These examples should look like this:

          it("should update balances", async () => {
            const initialUserBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);
            const initialDeployerBalance = await instance.balanceOf(deployerAddress);

            await instance.connect(deployer).transfer(userAddress, 500);

            const finalUserBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);
            const finalDeployerBalance = await instance.balanceOf(deployerAddress);

            expect(initialDeployerBalance.toNumber() - finalDeployerBalance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);
            expect(finalUserBalance.toNumber() - initialUserBalance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

          it("should emit Transfer event", async () => {
            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transfer(userAddress, 500)).to
              .emit(instance, "Transfer")
              .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

          it("should revert when trying to transfer to 0x0 address", async () => {
            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transfer(NULL_ADDRESS, 500)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer to the zero address");

          it("should revert when trying to transfer more than own balance", async () => {
            await expect(instance.connect(user).transfer(deployerAddress, 1234567890)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");

The approve() example validates the following:

  1. Allowance should be granted for less funds than the owner has.

  2. Allowance should be granted for more funds than the owner has.

  3. Approval event should be emitted when giving allowance.

  4. Call should be reverted if the address receiving the allowance is 0x0.

These examples should look like this:

          it("should grant allowance for an amount smaller than own balance", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            const allowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);


          it("should grant allowance for an amount greater than own balance", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 12345678900);

            const allowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);


          it("should emit Approval", async () => {
            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500)).to
              .emit(instance, "Approval")
              .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1500);

          it("should revert when trying to grant allowance to 0x0 address", async () => {
            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).approve(NULL_ADDRESS, 1500)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: approve to the zero address");

The increaseAllowance() example validates the following:

  1. Owner should be able to increase allowance to an amount smaller that the total funds that they have.

  2. Owner should be able to increase the balance to more than the amount of total funds that they have.

  3. Approval event should be emitted.

  4. The function can be called even if there was no preexisting allowance.

These examples should look like this:

          it("should increase allowance for a total amount lower than own balance", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1000);

            const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            await instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 500);

            const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            expect(finalAllowance.toNumber() - initialAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

          it("should increase allowance for a total amount higher than own balance", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1000);

            const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            await instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 1234567890);

            const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            expect(finalAllowance.toNumber() - initialAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(1234567890);

          it("should emit Approval event", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1000);

            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 500)).to
              .emit(instance, "Approval")
              .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1500);

          it("should increase the allowance even if there is no preeexisting allowance", async () => {
            const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            await instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 500);

            const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            expect(finalAllowance.toNumber() - initialAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

The decreaseAllowance() example validates the following:

  1. Owner should be able to decrease allowance.

  2. Approval event should be emmited.

  3. Call should be reverted when trying to decrease the allowance below 0.

These examples should look like this:

We can now add the following test cases to our describe block:

          it("should allow owner to decrease alowance", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            await instance.connect(deployer).decreaseAllowance(userAddress, 500);

            const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            expect(initialAllowance.toNumber() - finalAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

          it("should emit Approval event", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).decreaseAllowance(userAddress, 500)).to
              .emit(instance, "Approval")
              .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1000);

          it("should revert when trying to reduce the allowance below 0", async () => {
            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).decreaseAllowance(userAddress, 10000)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: decreased allowance below zero");

The transferFrom() example validates the following:

  1. Should allow transfer when allowance is given.

  2. Transfer event should be emitted.

  3. Approval event should be emitted.

  4. Should update allowance.

  5. Should revert if trying to transfer more than allowance.

  6. Should revert when trying to transfer to 0x0 address.

  7. Should revert when owner doesn't have enough funds.

  8. Should revert when no allowance was given.

These examples should look like this:

          it("should allow transfer if the allowance is given", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            const initialBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);

            await instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

            const finalBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);

            expect(finalBalance.toNumber() - initialBalance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

          it("should emit Transfer", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500)).to
              .emit(instance, "Transfer")
              .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

          it("should emit Approval", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500)).to
              .emit(instance, "Approval")
              .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1000);

          it("should update allowance", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            await instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

            const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

            expect(initialAllowance.toNumber() - finalAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

          it("should revert when trying to transfer amount higher than allowance", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 100000)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance");

          it("should rever when trying to transfer to 0x0 address", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

            await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, NULL_ADDRESS, 500)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer to the zero address");

          it("should revert when owner doesn't have enough funds", async () => {
            await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 12345678900);

            await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 12345678900)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");

          it("should revert when allowance was not given", async () => {
            await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferFrom(userAddress, deployerAddress, 1500)).to
              .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance");

With that, our test is ready to be run.

Your test/Token.test.ts should look like this:
import { expect, use } from 'chai';
import { deployContract, solidity } from 'ethereum-waffle';
import { Contract } from 'ethers';

import { evmChai, Signer, TestProvider } from '@acala-network/bodhi';

import Token from '../build/Token.json';
import { getTestProvider } from '../utils/setup';


const NULL_ADDRESS = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";

describe("Token", () => {
    let provider: TestProvider;
    let deployer: Signer;
    let user: Signer;
    let instance: Contract;
    let deployerAddress: String;
    let userAddress: String;

    before(async () => {
        provider = await getTestProvider();
        [deployer, user] = await provider.getWallets();
        instance = await deployContract(deployer, Token, [1234567890]);
        deployerAddress = await deployer.getAddress();
        userAddress = await user.getAddress();

    after(async () => {

    describe("Deployment", () => {
        it("should assing correct name to Token", async () => {

        it("should assign correct symbol", async () => {
            expect(await instance.symbol()).to.equal("TKN");

        it("should assign correct total supply", async () => {
            expect((await instance.totalSupply()).toNumber()).to.equal(1234567890);

        it("should assign appropriate balance to the deployer", async () => {
            expect((await instance.balanceOf(deployerAddress)).toNumber()).to.equal(1234567890);

        it("should not assign balance to a random address", async () => {
            expect((await instance.balanceOf(userAddress)).toNumber()).to.equal(0);

        it("should set the allowances to 0", async () => {
            expect((await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress)).toNumber()).to.equal(0);

    describe("Operation", () => {
        describe("Transfer", () => {
            describe("transfer()", () => {
                it("should update balances", async () => {
                    const initialUserBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);
                    const initialDeployerBalance = await instance.balanceOf(deployerAddress);

                    await instance.connect(deployer).transfer(userAddress, 500);

                    const finalUserBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);
                    const finalDeployerBalance = await instance.balanceOf(deployerAddress);

                    expect(initialDeployerBalance.toNumber() - finalDeployerBalance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);
                    expect(finalUserBalance.toNumber() - initialUserBalance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

                it("should emit Transfer event", async () => {
                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transfer(userAddress, 500)).to
                    .emit(instance, "Transfer")
                    .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

                it("should revert when trying to transfer to 0x0 address", async () => {
                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transfer(NULL_ADDRESS, 500)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer to the zero address");

                it("should revert when trying to transfer more than own balance", async () => {
                    await expect(instance.connect(user).transfer(deployerAddress, 1234567890)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");

        describe("Allowances", () => {
            describe("approve()", () => {
                it("should grant allowance for an amount smaller than own balance", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    const allowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);


                it("should grant allowance for an amount greater than own balance", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 12345678900);

                    const allowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);


                it("should emit Approval", async () => {
                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500)).to
                    .emit(instance, "Approval")
                    .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1500);

                it("should revert when trying to grant allowance to 0x0 address", async () => {
                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).approve(NULL_ADDRESS, 1500)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: approve to the zero address");

            describe("increaseAllowance()", () => {
                it("should increase allowance for a total amount lower than own balance", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1000);

                    const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    await instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 500);

                    const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    expect(finalAllowance.toNumber() - initialAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

                it("should increase allowance for a total amount higher than own balance", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1000);

                    const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    await instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 1234567890);

                    const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    expect(finalAllowance.toNumber() - initialAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(1234567890);

                it("should emit Approval event", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1000);

                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 500)).to
                    .emit(instance, "Approval")
                    .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1500);

                it("should increase the allowance even if there is no preeexisting allowance", async () => {
                    const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    await instance.connect(deployer).increaseAllowance(userAddress, 500);

                    const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    expect(finalAllowance.toNumber() - initialAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

            describe("decreaseAllowance()", () => {
                it("should allow owner to decrease alowance", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    await instance.connect(deployer).decreaseAllowance(userAddress, 500);

                    const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    expect(initialAllowance.toNumber() - finalAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

                it("should emit Approval event", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).decreaseAllowance(userAddress, 500)).to
                    .emit(instance, "Approval")
                    .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1000);

                it("should revert when trying to reduce the allowance below 0", async () => {
                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).decreaseAllowance(userAddress, 10000)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: decreased allowance below zero");

            describe("transferFrom()", () => {
                it("should allow transfer if the allowance is given", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    const initialBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);

                    await instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

                    const finalBalance = await instance.balanceOf(userAddress);

                    expect(finalBalance.toNumber() - initialBalance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

                it("should emit Transfer", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500)).to
                    .emit(instance, "Transfer")
                    .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

                it("should emit Approval", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500)).to
                    .emit(instance, "Approval")
                    .withArgs(deployerAddress, userAddress, 1000);

                it("should update allowance", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    const initialAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    await instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 500);

                    const finalAllowance = await instance.allowance(deployerAddress, userAddress);

                    expect(initialAllowance.toNumber() - finalAllowance.toNumber()).to.equal(500);

                it("should revert when trying to transfer amount higher than allowance", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 100000)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance");

                it("should rever when trying to transfer to 0x0 address", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 1500);

                    await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, NULL_ADDRESS, 500)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer to the zero address");

                it("should revert when owner doesn't have enough funds", async () => {
                    await instance.connect(deployer).approve(userAddress, 12345678900);

                    await expect(instance.connect(user).transferFrom(deployerAddress, userAddress, 12345678900)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");

                it("should revert when allowance was not given", async () => {
                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferFrom(userAddress, deployerAddress, 1500)).to
                    .be.revertedWith("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance");

When you run the test with yarn test, your tests should pass with the following output:

yarn test

yarn run v1.22.15
warning ../../../../../package.json: No license field
$ export NODE_ENV=test && mocha -r ts-node/register/transpile-only --timeout 100000 --no-warnings test/**/*.test.ts

      ✔ should assing correct name to Token (78ms)
      ✔ should assign correct symbol (74ms)
      ✔ should assign correct total supply (42ms)
      ✔ should assign appropriate balance to the deployer (40ms)
      ✔ should not assign balance to a random address (50ms)
      ✔ should set the allowances to 0 (41ms)
          ✔ should update balances (365ms)
          ✔ should emit Transfer event (232ms)
          ✔ should revert when trying to transfer to 0x0 address (72ms)
          ✔ should revert when trying to transfer more than own balance (69ms)
          ✔ should grant allowance for an amount smaller than own balance (197ms)
          ✔ should grant allowance for an amount greater than own balance (187ms)
          ✔ should emit Approval (172ms)
          ✔ should revert when trying to grant allowance to 0x0 address (64ms)
          ✔ should increase allowance for a total amount lower than own balance (370ms)
          ✔ should increase allowance for a total amount higher than own balance (376ms)
          ✔ should emit Approval event (323ms)
          ✔ should increase the allowance even if there is no preeexisting allowance (217ms)
          ✔ should allow owner to decrease alowance (332ms)
          ✔ should emit Approval event (287ms)
          ✔ should revert when trying to reduce the allowance below 0 (64ms)
          ✔ should allow transfer if the allowance is given (364ms)
          ✔ should emit Transfer (285ms)
          ✔ should emit Approval (273ms)
          ✔ should update allowance (332ms)
          ✔ should revert when trying to transfer amount higher than allowance (191ms)
          ✔ should rever when trying to transfer to 0x0 address (162ms)
          ✔ should revert when owner doesn't have enough funds (180ms)
          ✔ should revert when allowance was not given (66ms)

  29 passing (7s)

✨  Done in 25.72s.

Deploy script

The setup.ts should remain the same as in the hello-world. The deploy.ts needs to have the same imports like the hello-world example, except for the smart contract we are importing:

import { use } from 'chai';
import { ContractFactory } from 'ethers';

import { evmChai } from '@acala-network/bodhi';

import Token from '../build/Token.json';
import { setup } from '../utils/setup';


const main = async () => {



Within the definition of the main function, we first retrieve the wallet and provider from the setup(). Then we output Deploy Token to the console and deploy the Token smart contract and save it to instance. The address of the deployed smrt contract is logged into the terminal and we log the information about the token as well. Finally we disconnect from the provider:

    const { wallet, provider } = await setup();

    console.log('Deploy Token');

    const instance = await ContractFactory.fromSolidity(Token).connect(wallet).deploy(1234567890);

    console.log("Token address:", instance.address);

    const name = await;
    const symbol = await instance.symbol();
    const totalSupply = await instance.totalSupply();

    console.log("Token name:", name);
    console.log("Token symbol:", symbol);
    console.log("Token total supply:", totalSupply.toNumber());

Your src/deploy.ts should look like this:
import { use } from 'chai';
import { ContractFactory } from 'ethers';

import { evmChai } from '@acala-network/bodhi';

import Token from '../build/Token.json';
import { setup } from '../utils/setup';


const main = async () => {
    const { wallet, provider } = await setup();

    console.log('Deploy Token');

    const instance = await ContractFactory.fromSolidity(Token).connect(wallet).deploy(1234567890);

    console.log("Token address:", instance.address);

    const name = await;
    const symbol = await instance.symbol();
    const totalSupply = await instance.totalSupply();

    console.log("Token name:", name);
    console.log("Token symbol:", symbol);
    console.log("Token total supply:", totalSupply.toNumber());



Running the yarn deploy script should return the following output:

yarn deploy

yarn run v1.22.15
warning ../../../../../package.json: No license field
$ ts-node --transpile-only src/deploy.ts
Deploy Token
Token address: 0x546411ddd9722De71dA1B836327b37D840F16059
Token name: Token
Token symbol: TKN
Token total supply: 1234567890


We have built upon the previous examples, added an ERC20 smart contract and tested all of its functionalities. The tests were more detailed and covered more examples. We also ensured that we can interact with the smart contract and that its storage is modified as expected. We can compile smart contract with yarn build, test it with yarn test and deploy it with yarn deploy.