Neo Tab is a simple web navigation page which can be customized content as you wish, it less than 25kb.
the essential example of configure file
parameters abbr:
L links
n name
u url
S searcher
n name
s search
m mobile compatible search (optional)
i favicon (optional)
key[0] | Fn |
. | js regex search engines (site:) |
/ | js regex search links |
? | js regex search history |
! | js regex search function |
create new search engine, if xxx already exist, it will be update
use the "space" class (viz. represent null or void), to delete(d) or read(r) search engine
.xxx;; ;;d
.xxx;; ;;r
same as links
/xxx;; ;;d
/xxx;; ;;r
name | value | description |
darkui | true | use light or dark ui, can be toggle use '!_sw_darkui()' |
soloui | false | use solo ui, the search engin and links will hidden |
limhist | 55 | how many history should be record |
usehist | true | whether to record history or not |
winopen | true | whether to open new window or not |
sugvendor | sogou | use web suggestion api from 7 site |
note : db.seen memorized last used search engine, you can set it at configure file.
file transfer service use API
qrcode generate use qrjs2 library
- you can use file on internet as site's database (db.json)
- input double space auto select first one, ctrl+1~9 0 select 1~9 10 suggestion item.
- use '!_clr_taxo()' clear all void class
- use '!_clr_localStorage()' clear all database and
save webpage to local, them you can launch it from local.