I'm using this repository to share my efforts to complete the challenges posed by The Advent of Code in 2022. There is no consistency in my "goals" from day to day or even part to part. Some are total hacks, some I went a little ham on the types, and so forth. So don't judge them too seriously, I'm mainly publishing this repository to make it easier to share solutions with people who are interested in comparing and discussing them.
Mainly, you should use it by browsing the source code, but, if you want to actually run the results, that's pretty easy.
Completed days will include a bin, an example input set, and a "real" input set. The
day's implementation can be executed with cargo run --bin dayXX
and there are parameters
to control whether it's the real data set or the example, and whether it's part 1 or 2.
For help on the parameters, try something like...
cargo run --bin day01 -- --help
And because we have to worry about such things, I've specified the CC0 license for this project.
That translates to public domain basically everywhere that public domain exists, and something
as close as possible everywhere else. See the LICENSE-CC0
file for more details.