A simulation study of large-scale regression methods as described in Zou & Hastie (2005)
For a general introduction to DSCs, see here.
In this simulation study, we aim to compare several methods for fitting a linear model of the form Y=XB+e, where y is a n by 1 vector of responses, X is a n by p matrix of predictors, B is a p by 1 vector of unknown coefficients and e is a n by 1 vector of iid Gaussian noise. Although the problem as described is a generic one, the methods in this study aim to provide some level of variable selection, and the vector B typically contains a substantial number of zeroes.
The simulation schemes all contain a training set and a test set. The models are trained on the training set and an estimated vector of coefficients Bhat is returned. The performance of a method is then determined by the quantity E((X* Bhat-X* B)^2), where X* are the predictors in the test set.
This DSC uses the following formats:
input: an ntrain by p+1 matrix of training data [matrix]
#ntrain is the number of observations in the training set, and p is the number of predictors. The first column of the matrix contains the Y values in the training set, and the rest of the matrix contains the X values.
meta: list(testset [matrix], betatrue [vector])
#testset is an ntest by p+1 matrix of test data, where ntest is the number of observations in the test set, and p is the number of predictors. The first column of the matrix contains the Y values in the test set, and the rest of the matrix contains the X values. betatrue is a p by 1 vector, which is simply the true B from whence the observations are generated from.
output: an estimated vector of coefficients for B [vector]
The performance of a method is scored by the quantity median(Ehat((X* Bhat-X* B)^2)). Here X* are the predictors in the test set, Ehat denotes the sample average, and the median is computed over all runs of a given simulation scheme (ie different seeds).
See score.R.
To add a method there are two steps.
- add a
file containing an R function implenting that method to themethods/
subdirectory - add the method to the list of methods in the
Each method function must take arguments (input,args)
where input
is a list with the correct format (defined above), and args
is a list containing any additional arguments the method requires.
Each method function must return output
, where output
is a list with the correct format (defined above).
To add a scenario there are two steps, the first of which can be skipped if you are using an existing datamaker function
- add a
file containing an R function implenting a datamaker to thedatamakers/
subdirectory - add the scenario to the list of scenarios in the
Each datamaker function must return a list(meta,input)
where meta
and input
are each lists with the correct format
(defined above).