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State Machine Infra for Hollow Knight Modding

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RingLib provides a lightweight state machine implementation ideal for developing 2D characters and enemies. The typical use-case involves creating a custom StateMachine by inheriting from the RingLib StateMachine or its specialized subclasses. Users can create a state by adding a member function with type Func<IEnumerator<Transition>> to the state and marking it with [State].

Mods / Demos Made with RingLib

Feature List

Feature Supported
State Machine Abstraction for Enemies & Controlled Characters Yes
Global and In-State Event Support Yes
In-State Coroutine Tree Support Yes
State Machine Integration with Unity Animator Yes
Various Dev Utils Yes
Unity Editor Template for Hollow Knight Modding No (Use WeaverCore)

Coroutine Tree

RingLib provides extensive support for in-state coroutines. All the state actions are expected to be done with coroutines instead of explicit Enter/Update/Exit functions. A coroutine is allowed to recursively call another coroutine. It is also allowed to spawn multiple coroutines at the same time at any level of the recursion. Parallel child coroutines will exit together if any of their siblings finish. This provides powerful building blocks for large and complex states.

Example Evade Jump State

internal partial class MyStateMachine : EntityStateMachine
    private IEnumerator<Transition> EvadeJump()
        // JumpStart
        var jumpRadiusMin = config.EvadeJumpRadiusMin;
        var jumpRadiusMax = config.EvadeJumpRadiusMax;
        var jumpRadius = Random.Range(jumpRadiusMin, jumpRadiusMax);
        var targetXLeft = Target().Position().x - jumpRadius;
        var targetXRight = Target().Position().x + jumpRadius;
        float targetX;
        if (Mathf.Abs(Position.x - targetXLeft) < Mathf.Abs(Position.x - targetXRight))
            targetX = targetXRight;
            targetX = targetXLeft;
        var velocityX = (targetX - Position.x) * config.EvadeJumpVelocityXScale;
        if (Mathf.Sign(velocityX) != Direction())
            yield return new CoroutineTransition { Routine = Turn() };
        yield return new CoroutineTransition { Routine = animator.PlayAnimation("JumpStart") };

        // JumpAscend
        Velocity = new Vector2(velocityX, config.EvadeJumpVelocityY);
        yield return new WaitTill { Condition = () => Velocity.y <= 0 };

        // JumpDescend
        yield return new WaitTill { Condition = Landed };

        // JumpEnd
        Velocity =;
        yield return new CoroutineTransition { Routine = animator.PlayAnimation("JumpEnd") };
        yield return new ToState { State = nameof(Attack) };

Example Triple Slash State

internal partial class MyStateMachine : EntityStateMachine
    private IEnumerator<Transition> Slash()
        if (!FacingTarget())
            yield return new CoroutineTransition
                Routine = Turn()
        var velocityX = (Target().Position().x - Position.x);
        velocityX *= config.SlashVelocityXScale;
        var minVelocityX = config.ControlledSlashVelocityX;
        if (Mathf.Abs(velocityX) < minVelocityX)
            velocityX = Mathf.Sign(velocityX) * minVelocityX;
        Velocity =;

        IEnumerator<Transition> Slash(string slash)
            if (!FacingTarget())
                velocityX *= -1;
                Velocity *= -1;
                yield return new CoroutineTransition
                    Routine = Turn()
            var previousVelocityX = Velocity.x;
            Transition updater(float normalizedTime)
                var currentVelocityX = Mathf.Lerp(previousVelocityX, velocityX, normalizedTime);
                Velocity = new Vector2(currentVelocityX, 0);
                return new NoTransition();
            yield return new CoroutineTransition
                Routine = animator.PlayAnimation(slash, updater)
        foreach (var slash in new string[] { "Slash1", "Slash2", "Slash3" })
            yield return new CoroutineTransition
                Routine = Slash(slash)

        yield return new ToState { State = nameof(Idle) };

Example StateMachine

internal partial class MyStateMachine : EntityStateMachine
    private Config config = new();
    private RingLib.Animator animator;
    private RingLib.InputManager inputManager;

    public MyStateMachine() : base(
        startState: nameof(Idle),
        globalTransitions: [],
        spriteFacingLeft: true)
    { }

    protected override void EnemyStateMachineStart()
        // A separate GameObject for animation is good for adjusting offsets
        var animation = gameObject.transform.Find("Animation");
        animator = animation.GetComponent<RingLib.Animator>();
        // Accepts input for a controlled character
        inputManager = gameObject.AddComponent<RingLib.InputManager>();

    protected override void EnemyStateMachineUpdate() {}

    private GameObject Target()
        return HeroController.instance.gameObject;

    private bool FacingTarget()
        return Mathf.Sign(Target().transform.position.x - transform.position.x) == Direction();

    private IEnumerator<Transition> Turn()
        var localScale = gameObject.transform.localScale;
        localScale.x *= -1;
        gameObject.transform.localScale = localScale;
        yield return new NoTransition();


State Machine Infra for Hollow Knight Modding






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