adodb enables simple access to Microsoft ADO compatible databases. It is inspired from node-adodb. adodb provides "out-of-the-box" SQL literal interpolation ({} fields, similar to strformat module) and timestamp literal processing. Some well known aggregation functions like DSum, DMin, DMax, etc. are also provided
adodb internally uses awesome winim for low-level access to Microsoft ADO and COM processing.
import adodb
# Connect to Microsoft Access 2003 DB
let connect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\data\test.mdb"
let ado = newADODB(connect)
# Execute SQL statement in db
let id = 100
ado.exec(sql"DELETE * FROM Users WHERE ((UserID)>{id})")
# Retrieve data from db
let rst = ado.query("SELECT * FROM Users")
# Access data
for rowIdx, row in rst:
for idx, name, value in row.fields:
echo "Row ", rowIdx, ", Fld[", idx," | ", name, "] = ", value
If the code above is saved to sample.nim you can compile it, as follows:
nim c sample.nim
let ado = newADODB(connection)
Database connection strings:
- For Access 2000-2003 (*.mdb):
connection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=<path-to-mdb-file>;"
- For Access > 2007 (*.accdb):
connection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=<path-to-accdb-file>;Persist Security Info=False;"
exec - execute SQL statement, no data is returned
query - execute SQL statement and returns ADORecordset object
len/rowCount - return recordset's row count
[index] - return row by index (from 0 to len - 1)
items - iterates through recordset rows (return ADORow)
pairs - iterates through recordset rows, return (index, ADORow)
len/fieldsCount - return row's field count
[index] - return value of field by index
[name] - return value of field by name
items - iterate through fields, return values
pairs - iterate through fields, return (index, value)
fields - iterate through fields, return (index, name, value)
Two useful templates are added to manage fields with no value (variant.VT_NULL)
isnull - check if variant is NULL
nz - replaces value NULL with appropriate value
AdoDB provides several useful data aggregation methods:
dMin (field, domain [, criteria]) is equal to SELECT Min(field) FROM domain [WHERE criteria])
dMax (field, domain [, criteria]) ... SELECT Max(field) FROM domain [WHERE criteria]
dSum (field, domain [, criteria]) ... SELECT Sum(field) FROM domain [WHERE criteria]
dCount (field, domain [, criteria]) ... SELECT Count(field) FROM domain [WHERE criteria]
dFirst (field, domain [, criteria]) ... SELECT First(field) FROM domain [WHERE criteria]
dLast (field, domain [, criteria]) ... SELECT Last(field) FROM domain [WHERE criteria]
dLookup (field, domain [, criteria]) ... SELECT field FROM domain [WHERE criteria]
With git on windows:
nimble install
Without git:
1. Download and unzip this module (by click "Clone or download" button).
2. Start a console, change current dir to the folder which include "adodb.nimble" file.
(for example: C:\nim\adodb>)
3. Run "nimble install"
For Windows XP compatibility, add:
Read license.txt for more details.
Copyright (c) 2019 Encho Topalov, Zolern. All rights reserved.