Sample graphical user inteface to real time monitoring sensor signals interfaced with Arduino 😄
This program was developed as part of Phisical Instrumentaion course at the Major National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
Clone the repository
git clone
Install the depenedencies. (Is recomendable use conda)
conda create -n arduino-serial-monitor python=3 ncurses matplotlib source activate arduino-serial-monitor pip install pyqt5 --upgrade --force-reinstall
Enter to the application diretory and execute the program
cd arduino-serial-monitor/arduino-serial-monitor python
Waits until the UI loads and use intuitively 😅
All the arduino stuff is in
directory, load the sketchs to your arduino before to use the interface.
All resources developed by me in this repository is released under the BSD-3-Clause license.
Resource with its respective licences are protectect by them.
If you find copyright protected content or without its respective credits, please let us know to give the respective credits and to put the things in order according to laws.