git clone --recurse-submodules
To create perfect modular fit for any type project. I will integrate next features:
- Add like another options support (on server side) for youtube-dl.
- Google client login based on ApiKey. [DONE]
- Test yt video play with YT Player embeded iframe[DONE] also with customhtml5 video tag.[DONE]
- Google account login based on node.js server.
- Calling Youtube API v3. and preview in classic html tags. [DONE]
- Implementing three.js video preview sub component[DONE]
- Preview thumbnails with threejs component. [DONE]
- BASIC NUI commander and Voice commander [DONE]
- NUI hands control yt vieo navigation [WIP]
- BASIC openCV for web (opencvjs) implementation [DONE]
- Implementing different view modes (OrbitControl, First person control)[DONE]
- Implementing custom webGL2 (glmatrix) video preview sub component.
- Kure Video Chat (kurento) Mixing yt video with camera stream.
- Visual ts game engine - some kind of implementation Adding 2d/3d games intro 3d view.
- Implementing AR (commercial)
- Google map API - Not free (maybe for 3d vs maps) 7$ min cost
I use download procedure just like internal techical solution. I put logo "Developed with youtube" and make documentation about
Youtube api usage also i delete downloaded files after some time.
There is no any redistribution even playing in offline regime or any other usage or reusage.
Also this has been fixed (YT-DL refuses to download such files RIAA
I am not promoting any downloading , dis-respectful & excessive pirating.
I keep it as friendly usage.
to make clear who this project was created.
For now we need trust this:
I will not use ts variant for three.js. Reasons on page:
I will use javascript classic variant but script type module with import
npm i three ->
found 376 vulnerabilities (375 low, 1 high)
YouTube component. Log in , fetch data from youtube APi v3. preview images in list
Added threejs lib / my subComponent and preview video and thumbnails. Play video in webGL context , control video from status bar buttons UI.
nuiCommander implemented also Voice commande.
Voice commands:
Say 'search' + 'what to search'
Say 'search for' + 'what to search'
Update all submodules:
git pull --recurse-submodules
[submodule "vue-ts-starter/public/submodules/nui-commander/nui-commander"]
url =
[submodule "vue-ts-starter/public/submodules/voice-commander/voice-commander"]
url =
[submodule "vue-ts-starter/public/submodules/opencv-starter"]
url =
npm run lint
npm run format
From experience i want to use typedoc. There is one small problem with vue single file component
loading procedure. I try from internet different solution but no one works.
Solution =>
I will add new pseudo file extension <nameComp>.docs.ts
Add to exclude list and define type declaration inside *.docs.*
They can be active interface/type script or only dev comp.
Generate docs:
npm run docs