A trivia game with data from Open Trivia Database. Generally, you can set up your game by selecting category, difficulty and question amounts before starting the game. After completing the game, you will get your score and replay it as a new game.
- Choose the category, difficulty and question numbers before you start.
- Enjoy the game!
- Another example for React-Saga to handle API
- It could be made as a multi-paged app, however I decided to consolidate it into one single-page-app in the case of convenience
- React-Toastify is amazing and easy to use for notification
- In the first version, there was no indication if the player made the correct selection which hurt the user's experience badly
- In the second version, I added the selection result indication with react-toastify
- A review of all answered questions would be helpful and more interesting to users, which can be added in the following version (Added)
- React
- React-Redux
- React-Saga
- React-Toastify
GitHub Page