This project utilizes a fine-tuned gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 model, along with the Google Calendar API to make a chat bot which is able to take user input according to their assignment descriptions and convert them into an optimized scheduler while also holding functionality to respond to the user's emotional state with enhanced ability due to its refined emotion detection. The project is interacted with by running it within the terminal.
The project allows users to input as many assignments as they want in a go with assignment details such as a name, due date and time, and the amount of them they want to work on it. It then uses this information to create an optimized schedule using a greedy algorithm according to due times, trying to schedule study blocks as early as possible from the users' available times to make sure they have ample time to complete their assignments. This also contributes to the emotional component as this scheduling leads to the least possible stress from workload as possible.
Using the GPT-4 basic model, we enable our project to allow the user to enter their assignment details in causal language and with relative terms such as "next Tuesday" as opposed to having to provide specific dates. We then ask the model to convert this into a pre-decided json format for our scheduler algorithm to receive and convert into the optimal schedule. This ensures ease of use on the users' part while maintaining smooth program operation
The fine-tuned model (gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 model) is utilized to detect the emotion the user inputs when asked about how they are feeling about their workload. This model uses its detected emotion, passes it to the general model and asks it to generate a response which will offer emotional support to the user. It encourages them if they feel good and gives them words of reassurance if not.
- requirements.txt: Hold the model requirements for download to make the program function as intended.
- Holds the logic for the assignment input interaction, leading into the emotional prompt. It utilizes both the refined GPT model and the regular.
- Holds logic to check status of fine tuner as it is executing.
- Combines scheduler_logic and assignment_dialogue methods into a working project flow. Once setup is complete, this is the only file which needs to be run in order to use the project.
- Holds logic to execute fine-tuning job.
- Holds logic to format dataset before training model with it.
- Converts the dataset to a OpenAI understandable format before it is prepared and processed.
- Holds the logic for all interactions with the Google Calendar API. Due to this, the file contains logic for google login, unavailable time allocation, and the scheduler logic.
- Runs the code to test the fine-tuned gpt model and its accuracy across different metrics and the untrained model.
Before executing the program, it is important to have these requirements fufilled:
- Python 3.11+
- google-auth-oauthlib>=0.4.6
- google-auth>=2.22.0
- google-api-python-client>=2.0.0
- openai==1.54.4
- python-dotenv==1.0.1
- datasets
- google-auth-httplib2
- scikit-learn
- pandas
To get the authorization tokens for the used APIs, please visit and follow the documentation below:
- Google Calendar API:
- OpenAI API:
In order to download all the needed dependencies and run the program, please follow the steps below:
- Choose a location to clone your github repo and run this command:
git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/AICollegeCoach.git
- Navigate into your cloned directory and run the following command to download all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once you have all of the needed tokens and dependencies, run the following command to prepare the dataset:
openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data -f empatheticdialogues_preprocessed.jsonl
Answer Y to all the questions asked, and the data will be split to train and validation sets.
After running the above command, upload the files to the OpenAI platform to fine-tune the model by running the following command:
openai api files.create -f <training-file>.jsonl -p fine-tune
openai api files.create -f <validation-file>.jsonl -p fine-tune
- After uploading both files, run the following command to start the fine-tuning process:
- Finally, once the model is trained, run the following command to launch the college coach:
The tokens created for the Google Calendar API should be stored in a config.json file which should be in the same directory as The .env file should have the following format:
This project utilizes the following datasets, APIs, and Models:
- Empathetic Dialogue Dataset ( Used to fine-tune emotion detection of gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 model.
- Google Calendar API ( Used to set up coach calendar and create study/ unavailable events.
- OpenAI Models (Regular: Used for assignment description parsing and emotion based response generation.
- OpenAI Models (Fine-tuned: Refined gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 model used for emotion detetion from user input.