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add a degibberish function for Zig types
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We may use this in the future to explain types to new Zig users.
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Techatrix committed Dec 17, 2023
1 parent 6ee3bf5 commit e72a244
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Showing 3 changed files with 283 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/analyser/InternPool.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3648,14 +3648,14 @@ fn formatId(
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
_ = options;
if (fmt.len != 0) std.fmt.invalidFmtError(fmt, InternPool.Struct.Field);
if (fmt.len != 0) std.fmt.invalidFmtError(fmt, ctx.string);
defer ctx.ip.string_pool.mutex.unlock();
try writer.print("{}", .{std.zig.fmtId(ctx.ip.string_pool.stringToSliceUnsafe(ctx.string))});

pub fn fmtId(ip: *InternPool, field: String) std.fmt.Formatter(formatId) {
return .{ .data = .{ .ip = ip, .string = field } };
pub fn fmtId(ip: *InternPool, string: String) std.fmt.Formatter(formatId) {
return .{ .data = .{ .ip = ip, .string = string } };

// ---------------------------------------------
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/analyser/analyser.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ pub const completions = @import("completions.zig");
pub const InternPool = @import("InternPool.zig");
pub const StringPool = @import("string_pool.zig").StringPool;
pub const encoding = @import("encoding.zig");
pub const degibberish = @import("degibberish.zig");

comptime {
const std = @import("std");
Expand Down
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions src/analyser/degibberish.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
const std = @import("std");
const InternPool = @import("InternPool.zig");

const FormatDegibberishData = struct {
ip: *InternPool,
ty: InternPool.Index,

pub fn fmtDegibberish(ip: *InternPool, ty: InternPool.Index) std.fmt.Formatter(formatDegibberish) {
const data = FormatDegibberishData{ .ip = ip, .ty = ty };
return .{ .data = data };

fn formatDegibberish(data: FormatDegibberishData, comptime fmt: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
if (fmt.len != 0) std.fmt.invalidFmtError(fmt, data.ty);
_ = options;

const ip = data.ip;
var ty = data.ty;

while (ty != .none) {
switch (ip.indexToKey(ty)) {
=> try writer.print("{}", .{ty.fmt(ip)}),

.pointer_type => |pointer_info| {
// ignored attributes:
// - address_space
// - is_allowzero
// - is_volatile
// - packed_offset

if (pointer_info.sentinel != .none) {
try writer.print("{} terminated ", .{pointer_info.sentinel.fmt(ip)});

// single pointer
const size_prefix = switch (pointer_info.flags.size) {
.One => "single-item pointer",
.Many => "many-item pointer",
.Slice => "slice (pointer + length)",
.C => "C pointer",

try writer.writeAll(size_prefix);

if (pointer_info.flags.alignment != 0) {
try writer.print(" with alignment {d}", .{pointer_info.flags.alignment});

try writer.writeAll(" to ");

if (pointer_info.flags.is_const) {
try writer.writeAll("const ");

ty = pointer_info.elem_type;
.array_type => |array_info| {
if (array_info.sentinel != .none) {
try writer.print("{} terminated ", .{array_info.sentinel.fmt(ip)});
try writer.print("array {d} of ", .{array_info.len});
ty = array_info.child;
.struct_type => try writer.print("struct {}", .{ty.fmt(ip)}),
.optional_type => |optional_info| {
try writer.writeAll("optional of ");
ty = optional_info.payload_type;
.error_union_type => |error_union_info| {
try writer.writeAll("error union with ");
try writer.print("{}", .{fmtDegibberish(ip, error_union_info.error_set_type)});
try writer.writeAll(" and payload ");
ty = error_union_info.payload_type;
.error_set_type => |error_set_info| {
try writer.writeAll("error set of (");
for (0..error_set_info.names.len) |i| {
if (i != 0) try writer.writeByte(',');
const name =, ip);
try writer.print("{}", .{InternPool.fmtId(ip, name)});
try writer.writeAll(")");
.enum_type => try writer.print("enum {}", .{ty.fmt(ip)}),
.function_type => |function_info| {
try writer.writeAll("function (");
for (0..function_info.args.len) |i| {
if (i != 0) try writer.writeAll(", ");
const arg_ty =, ip);
try writer.print("{}", .{fmtDegibberish(ip, arg_ty)});
try writer.writeAll(") returning ");
ty = function_info.return_type;
.union_type => try writer.print("union {}", .{ty.fmt(ip)}),
.tuple_type => |tuple_info| {
std.debug.assert(tuple_info.types.len == tuple_info.values.len);
try writer.writeAll("tuple of (");
for (0..tuple_info.types.len) |i| {
if (i != 0) try writer.writeAll(", ");
const field_ty =, ip);
try writer.print("{}", .{fmtDegibberish(ip, field_ty)});
try writer.writeAll(")");
.vector_type => |vector_info| {
try writer.print("vector {d} of ", .{vector_info.len});
ty = vector_info.child;
.anyframe_type => |anyframe_info| {
try writer.writeAll("function frame returning ");
ty = anyframe_info.child;

=> unreachable,

test "degibberish - simple types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

try std.testing.expectFmt("u32", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .u32_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("comptime_float", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .comptime_float_type)});

test "degibberish - pointer types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

try std.testing.expectFmt("many-item pointer to u8", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .manyptr_u8_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("many-item pointer to const u8", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .manyptr_const_u8_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("0 terminated many-item pointer to const u8", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .manyptr_const_u8_sentinel_0_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("single-item pointer to const comptime_int", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("slice (pointer + length) to const u8", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .slice_const_u8_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("0 terminated slice (pointer + length) to const u8", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .slice_const_u8_sentinel_0_type)});

test "degibberish - array types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const @"[3:0]u8" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .array_type = .{ .len = 3, .child = .u8_type, .sentinel = .zero_u8 } });
const @"[0]u32" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .array_type = .{ .len = 0, .child = .u32_type } });

try std.testing.expectFmt("0 terminated array 3 of u8", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"[3:0]u8")});
try std.testing.expectFmt("array 0 of u32", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"[0]u32")});

test "degibberish - optional types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const @"?u32" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .optional_type = .{ .payload_type = .u32_type } });

try std.testing.expectFmt("optional of u32", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"?u32")});

test "degibberish - error union types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const foo_string = try ip.string_pool.getOrPutString(gpa, "foo");
const bar_string = try ip.string_pool.getOrPutString(gpa, "bar");
const baz_string = try ip.string_pool.getOrPutString(gpa, "baz");

const @"error{foo,bar,baz}" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .error_set_type = .{
.names = try ip.getStringSlice(gpa, &.{ foo_string, bar_string, baz_string }),
.owner_decl = .none,
} });

const @"error{foo,bar,baz}!u32" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .error_union_type = .{
.error_set_type = @"error{foo,bar,baz}",
.payload_type = .u32_type,
} });

try std.testing.expectFmt("error union with error set of (foo,bar,baz) and payload u32", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"error{foo,bar,baz}!u32")});

test "degibberish - error set types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const foo_string = try ip.string_pool.getOrPutString(gpa, "foo");
const bar_string = try ip.string_pool.getOrPutString(gpa, "bar");
const baz_string = try ip.string_pool.getOrPutString(gpa, "baz");

const @"error{foo,bar,baz}" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .error_set_type = .{
.names = try ip.getStringSlice(gpa, &.{ foo_string, bar_string, baz_string }),
.owner_decl = .none,
} });

try std.testing.expectFmt("error set of (foo,bar,baz)", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"error{foo,bar,baz}")});

test "degibberish - function types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const @"fn(u32, void) type" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .function_type = .{
.args = try ip.getIndexSlice(gpa, &.{ .u32_type, .void_type }),
.return_type = .type_type,
} });

try std.testing.expectFmt("function () returning noreturn", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("function () returning void", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, .fn_void_no_args_type)});
try std.testing.expectFmt("function (u32, void) returning type", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"fn(u32, void) type")});

test "degibberish - tuple types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const @"struct{u32, comptime_float, c_int}" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .tuple_type = .{
.types = try ip.getIndexSlice(gpa, &.{ .u32_type, .comptime_float_type, .c_int_type }),
.values = try ip.getIndexSlice(gpa, &.{ .none, .none, .none }),
} });

try std.testing.expectFmt("tuple of (u32, comptime_float, c_int)", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"struct{u32, comptime_float, c_int}")});

test "degibberish - vector types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const @"@Vector(3, u8)" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .vector_type = .{ .len = 3, .child = .u8_type } });
const @"@Vector(0, u32)" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .vector_type = .{ .len = 0, .child = .u32_type } });

try std.testing.expectFmt("vector 3 of u8", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"@Vector(3, u8)")});
try std.testing.expectFmt("vector 0 of u32", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"@Vector(0, u32)")});

test "degibberish - anyframe types" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip = try InternPool.init(gpa);
defer ip.deinit(gpa);

const @"anyframe->u32" = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .anyframe_type = .{ .child = .u32_type } });
try std.testing.expectFmt("function frame returning u32", "{}", .{fmtDegibberish(&ip, @"anyframe->u32")});

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