A Vue.js2.0 project with Bootstrap which integrated the vue official online examples to components and some components build by myself to anyone who interested in .
npm install
npm run dev
- OfficialDemo: http://localhost:9091/officialdemo.html
- TableDemo: http://localhost:9091/tabledemo.html
- PopupsDemo: http://localhost:9091/popupsdemo.html
- CarouselDemo: http://localhost:9091/carouseldemo.html
- FormLoginDemo: http://localhost:9091/formlogindemo.html
you can click the nav '案例:Examples' and choice 'TableHome' to jump to another project 'tablehome.html'.
npm install
npm run build
Please take the published content to the local server IIS or on another server you like ,
and then the initial access path :(serverIP)/officialdemo.html
# 安装vue-cli
npm install -g vue-cli
# 使用vue-cli初始化项目
vue init webpack my-project
# 进入到目录
cd my-project
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e
# run all tests
npm test
var entries = getEntry('./src/module/*/*.js'); // 获得入口js文件
function getEntry(globPath) {
var entries = {},
basename, tmp, pathname;
glob.sync(globPath).forEach(function (entry) {
basename = path.basename(entry, path.extname(entry));
tmp = entry.split('/').splice(-3);
pathname = tmp.splice(1, 1).toString().toLowerCase(); // 正确输出js和html的路径
entries[pathname] = entry;
return entries;
entry: Object.assign(entries,{
vendors : ['jquery', 'bootstrap']
function getEntry(globPath) {
var entries = {},
basename, tmp, pathname;
glob.sync(globPath).forEach(function (entry) {
basename = path.basename(entry, path.extname(entry));
tmp = entry.split('/').splice(-3);
pathname = tmp.splice(1, 1).toString().toLowerCase();
entries[pathname] = entry;
return entries;
var pages = getEntry('./src/module/**/*.html');
for (var pathname in pages) {
// 配置生成的html文件,定义路径等
var conf = {
filename: pathname + '.html',
template: pages[pathname], // 模板路径
inject: true // js插入位置
// 需要生成几个html文件,就配置几个HtmlWebpackPlugin对象
module.exports.plugins.push(new HtmlWebpackPlugin(conf));
function getEntry(globPath) {
var entries = {},
basename, tmp, pathname;
glob.sync(globPath).forEach(function (entry) {
basename = path.basename(entry, path.extname(entry));
tmp = entry.split('/').splice(-3);
pathname = tmp.splice(1, 1).toString().toLowerCase();
entries[pathname] = entry;
return entries;
var pages = getEntry('./src/module/*/*.html');
for (var pathname in pages) {
// 配置生成的html文件,定义路径等
var conf = {
filename: pathname + '.html',
template: pages[pathname], // 模板路径
inject: true, // js插入位置
minify: {
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true
// more options:
// https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier#options-quick-reference
// necessary to consistently work with multiple chunks via CommonsChunkPlugin
chunksSortMode: 'dependency'
// 需要生成几个html文件,就配置几个HtmlWebpackPlugin对象
webpackConfig.plugins.push(new HtmlWebpackPlugin(conf));
详见:build\webpack.markdown.js 主要使用的插件:markdown-it
Welcome guidance !!