Attempting to make a containerized version of the tool. NOT YET READY!!!
As you can see this is a fork from
Thank you for the original developers. You can read their work, comments bellow.
Library for web-scraping Strava data.
This library became as a fork from loisaidasam/stravalib-scraper with some extentions
- a shell
- load following activity feed
- send batch kudos
- display / filter activities
Note: Strava does have a developer portal complete with a proper API and examples. This web-scraping based library is written to complete the lack of feature of the standard API. Accessing Friends' acitivities and interations with them like kudoing.
$ pip install strava-tools
To simply start the strava shell:
$ strava-shell
strava >>
Here is basic example on how to display, load and send kudos to people as batch
strava >> login
Remember session ? [Y/n]:
strava >> load --all
Loaded 149 activities
strava >> activities
Activities 171/171
Kudo Time Athlete Sport Duration Distance Elevation Velocity Title
2019-03-27 08:42:06 J************ Sport 11h 26m 2.54 km Marche matinale
✓ 2019-03-27 09:14:07 N************ Bike 26m 47s 12.00 km 26.9 kmh Vélo au fit
✓ 2019-03-27 10:49:02 L****** P***** Ski 4h 45m 57.38 km Skiing in Norefjell with friends
✓ 2019-03-27 11:48:03 M****** M***** Run 1h 41m 19.00 km 5'18 Lunch Run
2019-03-27 16:29:06 J***** B****** Bike 49m 51s 16.98 km 20.4 kmh Sortie à vélo dans l'après-midi
✓ 2019-03-27 16:55:05 L*** A***** Bike 58m 03s 33.29 km 34.4 kmh Mistral gagnant
✓ 2019-03-27 17:16:00 R***** D**** Run 41m 07s 7.83 km 5'15 Evening Run
✓ 2019-03-27 17:22:55 A******** N****** Run 57m 23s 8.60 km 6'40 Evening Run
2019-03-27 17:30:12 J***** M***** Sport 1h 00m Bodybalance
✓ 2019-03-27 21:23:21 C**** P**** Sport 29m 00s Night Activity
strava >> kudo
Kudoing J******** for Marche matinale .. Ok
Kudoing J***** B****** for Sortie à vélo dans l'après-midi .. Ok
Kudoing J***** M***** for Night Activity .. Ok