LEGO is a Light wEight Graph-based Optimization library in C++. It is a graph-based non-linear optimization framework for learning and practicing which only depends on Eigen3. This graph-based optimization library is designed for a generic purpose, and it is primarily targeted at Bundle Adjustment optimization problems in the backend of visual or visual-inertial SLAM. Now, the optimization problem solving in LEGO mainly depends on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with two updating strategies in the iterations and it will include more algorithms and updating strategies in the future, such as Dog-leg. This version is only tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
GCC and CMake
On Ubuntu 18.04, we can install CMake and Eigen3 following:
# cmake sudo apt-get install gcc cmake # Eigen3 sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
We can build and install LEGO from this repository and follow:
git clone
cd LEGO/
mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake .. && make -j6
# if you want to install it
sudo make install
Now we have already installed the LEGO and then we can test and use it.
There are two examples which are implemented by LEGO (one of non-linear data fitting and one of pose graph optimization on SE3/se3 with Lie group/algebra) under the lego/examples/ folder.
Non-linear Data Fitting
Default updating strategy
./bin/example_nonlinear_fitting 0
Example: Non-linear Fitting start... ==========LEGO OPTIMIZER========== Iteration = 0, Chi = 185454, Lambda = 0.01 Iteration = 1, Chi = 153661, Lambda = 6990.51 Iteration = 2, Chi = 62936.6, Lambda = 18641.4 Iteration = 3, Chi = 27640.5, Lambda = 12427.6 Iteration = 4, Chi = 1090.47, Lambda = 4142.52 Iteration = 5, Chi = 546.72, Lambda = 1380.84 Iteration = 6, Chi = 526.969, Lambda = 460.28 Iteration = 7, Chi = 505.841, Lambda = 153.427 Iteration = 8, Chi = 490.512, Lambda = 51.1423 Iteration = 9, Chi = 487.068, Lambda = 17.0474 Iteration = 10, Chi = 486.901, Lambda = 5.68247 Iteration = 11, Chi = 486.9, Lambda = 1.89416 Stop the optimization: [last_chi_(486.9) - currentChi_(486.9) = 1.17714e-06] < 1e-5 Info: TimeCost(SolveProblem) = 8.30634 ms TimeCost(BuildHessian) = 6.29361 ms --------Estimates after optimization-------- a, b, c = 0.98179, 2.0277, 0.989624 --------Ground truth-------- a, b, c = 1.0, 2.0, 1.0
Strategy 1
./bin/example_nonlinear_fitting 1
Example: Non-linear Fitting start... ==========LEGO OPTIMIZER========== Iteration = 0, Chi = 185454, Lambda = 1e-05 Iteration = 1, Chi = 10190.1, Lambda = 1.9684 Iteration = 2, Chi = 5286.38, Lambda = 0.218711 Iteration = 3, Chi = 3595.03, Lambda = 0.0243012 Iteration = 4, Chi = 1142.98, Lambda = 0.00270014 Iteration = 5, Chi = 531.136, Lambda = 0.000300015 Iteration = 6, Chi = 491.046, Lambda = 3.3335e-05 Iteration = 7, Chi = 486.914, Lambda = 3.70389e-06 Iteration = 8, Chi = 486.9, Lambda = 4.11544e-07 Stop the optimization: [last_chi_(486.9) - currentChi_(486.9) = 8.1672e-07] < 1e-5 Info: TimeCost(SolveProblem) = 6.86506 ms TimeCost(BuildHessian) = 5.41139 ms --------Estimates after optimization-------- a, b, c = 0.98179, 2.0277, 0.989624 --------Ground truth-------- a, b, c = 1.0, 2.0, 1.0
Pose Graph Optimization on SE3/se3
(e.g. pose graph optimization on se3/Lie algebra with the default updating strategy)
./bin/example_pose_graph_lie_algebra ./lego/examples/pose_graph/sphere_with_noise.g2o 0
Example: Pose Graph Optimization with Lie Algebra start... Read Total: VertexCount = 2500, EdgeCount = 9799 Optimizing... ==========LEGO OPTIMIZER========== Iteration = 0, Chi = 4.78072e+09, Lambda = 20119.8 Iteration = 1, Chi = 3.13329e+08, Lambda = 6706.59 Iteration = 2, Chi = 1.16618e+08, Lambda = 2235.53 Iteration = 3, Chi = 7.13149e+07, Lambda = 745.176 Iteration = 4, Chi = 4.21091e+07, Lambda = 248.392 Iteration = 5, Chi = 2.10751e+07, Lambda = 82.7973 Iteration = 6, Chi = 8.36379e+06, Lambda = 27.5991 Iteration = 7, Chi = 3.09541e+06, Lambda = 9.19971 Iteration = 8, Chi = 1.10012e+06, Lambda = 3.06657 Iteration = 9, Chi = 367621, Lambda = 1.02219 Iteration = 10, Chi = 142505, Lambda = 0.34073 Iteration = 11, Chi = 85654.1, Lambda = 0.185811 Iteration = 12, Chi = 72762.7, Lambda = 0.061937 Iteration = 13, Chi = 71210.5, Lambda = 0.0206457 Iteration = 14, Chi = 68794.8, Lambda = 0.00688189 Iteration = 15, Chi = 65649.9, Lambda = 0.00229396 Iteration = 16, Chi = 64014.7, Lambda = 0.000764654 Iteration = 17, Chi = 63794.2, Lambda = 0.000254885 Iteration = 18, Chi = 63789.1, Lambda = 8.49616e-05 Iteration = 19, Chi = 63789.1, Lambda = 2.83205e-05 Stop the optimization: [last_chi_(63789.1) - currentChi_(63789.1) = 5.42382e-06] < 1e-05 Info: TimeCost(SolveProblem) = 1.17305e+07 ms TimeCost(BuildHessian) = 18156.1 ms Saving optimization results...
# g2o_viewer: just for visualization g2o_viewer ./result_lie_0.g2o
We can delete the LEGO header files (*.h/*.hpp) and libs (*.so) from where we installed it. Default:
# headers
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/include/lego/
# libs
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/liblego_*
g2o: A General Framework for Graph Optimization
ceres-solver: A Large Scale Non-linear Optimization Library
Sophus: C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen
VINS-Mono: A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
VINS-Course: VINS-Mono code without Ceres or ROS