Chamomile simplifies issue and git tracking from the command line. As of now the focus is bridging workflows involving Graphite and Linear.
To use chamomile, you first have to have Graphite installed.
To install chamomile, run npm install -g chamomile-cli
Then to get started, run
cl auth linear -t <token>
chamomile issue create
Get a linear token from the Linear App under Settings > Account > API > Personal API Keys. Generate a key and copy it, and substitute the token with the token variable up above.
Shortcuts are available for the following commands:
Command | Shortcut |
chamomile | cl |
auth linear | al |
issue create | ic |
So, for example, you can run cl ic
to create a new issue.
To run Chamomile locally, you will want to first get a linear ticket as described above.
Then run:
pnpm install
pnpm develop
cl auth linear -t <token>
cl ic
To test out issue creation.