Enable replication of http sessions data and recent match sessions tables on Debian Gnu/Linux (Kernel version >= 3.2).
- Command line control for managing ssyncd stored data.
- Recent match tables replication
- HTTP sessions replication, includes support for Zevenet Pound session replication
Ssyncd has been tested in stable Debian distributions: Wheezy, Jessie and Stretch
- Patched xt_recent module (required) :
- Required to enable writing of sessions data to recent match sessions tables. Under src/kmodule can be found patched xt recent modules for stable debian kernel versions 3.2.93 (Wheezy) , 3.16.43 (Jessie) and 4.9.13 (Stretch).
- Zevenet Pound (required):
- Required to enable HTTP session replication and it's necessary that Pound process started with session synchronization enabled (option "-s").
- Cmake.
- C++11 compliant compiler.
- Google Re2 library (https://github.com/google/re2).
git clone https://github.com/zevenet/ssyncd.git
cd ssyncd/bin
cmake ../
Ssyncd has two modes of functioning, as master mode or as backup mode; master is the source of sessions data to be sent to backup node.
Usage: ssyncd -[MB] [adp]
ssyncd -M [-p 7777]
ssyncd -B [-a -p 7777]
Commands: Either long or short options are allowed.
-M --master start master node
-B --backup start backup node
-d --daemon run ssyncd as daemon
-a --address [master address] master node address
-p --port [master port] master listening port
Ssyncd is managed by a commands interface tools named ssyncdctl, and provide the following options:
In master mode:
Start listening to Pound http sessions updates:
# ssyncdctl start http [farm name]
Start listening to recent sessions tables updates:
# ssyncdctl start recent
Show ssyncd http sessions data:
# ssyncdctl show http
Show ssyncd recent tables sessions data:
# ssyncdctl show recent
In backup mode:
Write http sessions data to Pound sessions tables:
# ssyncdctl write http
Write recent tables session data to kernel tables:
# ssyncdctl write recent
Exit ssyncd process:
# ssyncdctl quit
All reported bugs, new features and patches are welcomed.
Please use the GitHub project Issues to report any issue or bug with the software. Try to describe the problem and a way to reproduce it. It'll be useful to attach the service and network configurations as well as system and services logs.