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ROS melodic navigation with Jetson Nano and RPLidar

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Jessicar2/2+ DIY ROS navigation Robot

This project is about ROS Package for navigation with DIY robot
Robot 3D model, BOM: Byungki
Circuit: Byungki, ZETA7
PCB layout: Byungki
Aruduino/ESP32 scketch: ZETA7
ROS code: ZETA7

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jessicar2/arduino Folder explanation

Jessicar 2, it uses Arudino Nano

encoderTest.ino: Check encoder tick   
motorControllerTest.ino: Check/Tune motor controller   
motorEncLedRos.ino: Please burn this for ROS navigation,, arduinoNano.rules: udev rule for Arduino Nano   

Jessicar 2+, it uses ESP32 NodeMcu

ledBuzzer32Test.ino: Check LED, Buzzer   
encoder32Test.ino: Check encoder tick   
motorController32Test.ino: Check/Tune motor controller   
motorEncLed32Ros.ino: ROS implementation, motor control and LED     
motorEncLedMpu32Ros.ino: Please burn this for ROS navigation, motorEncLed32Ros.ino + MPU6050,, esp32sNodemcu.rules: udev rule for ESP32,, rplidar.rules: udev rule for RPLidar   


Circuit Block Diagram

Jessicar II

Jessicar II+


Please download image from below location
[Jetson 4G]
[Jetson 2G]

id: jetson
passwd: jetson

Please follow instruction on blow Notion(in Korean)

Additional packages

Below pacakges are maybe required run this package and are located in ROBOT's catkin_ws/src folder


In order to run all the packages included in this project, you may need to install additional ROS packages as below.

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-tf ros-melodic-joy \
ros-melodic-teleop-twist-joy \
ros-melodic-teleop-twist-keyboard \
ros-melodic-laser-proc ros-melodic-rgbd-launch \
ros-melodic-depthimage-to-laserscan \
ros-melodic-rosserial-arduino ros-melodic-rosserial-python \
ros-melodic-rosserial-server ros-melodic-rosserial-client \
ros-melodic-rosserial-msgs ros-melodic-amcl \
ros-melodic-map-server ros-melodic-move-base \
ros-melodic-urdf ros-melodic-xacro ros-melodic-usb-cam \
ros-melodic-compressed-image-transport \
ros-melodic-rqt-image-view ros-melodic-gmapping \
ros-melodic-navigation ros-melodic-interactive-markers \
ros-melodic-ar-track-alvar ros-melodic-ar-track-alvar-msgs \

Running the Robot

To simply run the robot to control with teleop keyboard command, enter below while roscore is running in the HOST PC

Jessicar II

$ roslaunch jessicar2_bringup arduino_bringup.launch

$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_joy.launch
# or
$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch

Jessicar II+

$ roslaunch jessicar2_bringup nodemcu32.launch

$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_joy.launch
# or
$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch

This allows you to move the robot simply by keyboard input as

- W: Move FWD (Increase lin_vel.x)
- A: Turn Left (Increase rot_vel.z)
- S: Stop (Reset lin_vel.x, rot_vel.z)
- D: Turn Right (Decrease rot_vel.z)
- X: Move REV (Decrease lin_vel.x)

SLAM Mapping

Mapping using Hector Slam

To run 2D lidar based SLAM navigation, simply launch below in ROBOT.

Jessicar II

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_hectorslam.launch

Launch below in HOST PC to open rviz environment to make map.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_hectorslam_rviz.launch

roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch
# or
roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_joy.launch

Jessicar II+

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2p_hectorslam.launch

Launch below in HOST PC to open rviz environment to make map.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2p_hectorslam_rviz.launch

roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch
# or
roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_joy.launch

Move the robot using keyboard input (W: FWD, A: Left, D: Right, X: REV) and the map will be expanded as it go.

Mapping using Gmapping

To run 2D lidar based SLAM navigation, simply launch below in ROBOT.

Jessicar II

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_gmapping.launch

Launch below in HOST PC to open rviz environment to make map.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_gmapping_rviz.launch

$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch
# or
$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_joy.launch

Jessicar II+

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_gmapping.launch

Launch below in HOST PC to open rviz environment to make map.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_gmapping_rviz.launch

$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch
# or
$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_joy.launch

Mapping using Cartographer ROS

Cartographer generate maps smoother and more precise compare to gmapping and support for various type of sensors such as Depth camera or 3D lidar.

More information can be found its website.

To run cartographer-ros, simply launch below in ROBOT.

Jessicar II

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_cartographer.launch

Launch below in HOST PC to run rviz environment and robot control.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_cartographer_rviz.launch

$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch
$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch

Jessicar II+

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2p_cartographer.launch

Launch below in HOST PC to run rviz environment and robot control.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_slam jessicar2_cartographer_rviz.launch

$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch
$ roslaunch jessicar2_teleop jessicar2_teleop_key.launch

Save map file

Once map is fully generated, run map_server to save <name_of_map>.yaml and <name_of_map>.pgm files as below.

$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f <name_of_map>

Terminate all nodes and copy these files and place into ROBOT's ~/catkin_ws/src/jessicar2/jessicar2_navigation/maps


To start navigation launch below in ROBOT.

Jessicar II

$ roslaunch jessicar2_navigation jessicarNavi.launch

Then launch below in HOST PC to open the robot in rviz environment.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_navigation jessicarNavi_rviz.launch

Jessicar II+

$ roslaunch jessicar2_navigation jessicar2p_Navi.launch

Then launch below in HOST PC to open the robot in rviz environment.

$ roslaunch jessicar2_navigation jessicarNavi_rviz.launch

Place the robot in the map by selecting green arrow(2D Pose Estimate) in the top menu and pick(Location) and drag(direction) where the robot likely to be and its direction in the map.

Now place a goal by selecting Pink arrow(2D Nav Goal) in the top menu and pick(Goal location) and drag(Goal direction) where the robot should go in the map.

Wait until the robot reaches the goal!

Jessicar2 team


ROS melodic navigation with Jetson Nano and RPLidar






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