This GitHub CLI extension generates markdown links from input URLs or references.
This isn't particularly useful by itself, but combine it with tools like Alfred snippet triggers, Raycast scripts, or Obsidian templates, you can automate these links for insertion into your markdown documents.
gh extension install zerowidth/gh-md
gh md --help
for full details.
Generates a markdown link from an input URL or issue/pr/discussion reference.
Basic example:
$ gh md link
[cli/cli#123: Tweak flags language](
Skip title lookup:
$ gh md link --simple
Create a link from an issue reference:
$ gh md link cli/cli#123
[cli/cli#123: Tweak flags language](
Generates an issue/pr/discussion reference from an input URL or reference.
$ gh md ref
Looks up the title of the given URL or reference:
$ gh md title cli/cli#123
Tweak flags language
The title can be sanitized for use as a path, stripping :
, /
, and a few other characters.
Generates the URL from the given issue reference or markdown link.
$ gh md url cli/cli#123
Using gh-md
in Obsidian
was built in part to be used in user-defined functions in the Templater plugin.
- define a
user function as/path/to/gh md link -n "$input"
- copy a GitHub URL to your clipboard
- use it in a template:
<% tp.user.markdownLink({input: (await tp.system.clipboard())}) %>
The sanitized issue title can be used for filenames. In a templater template for creating a document for an issue from the clipboard:
Define a
user function as/path/to/gh md title -n --sanitize "$input"
. -
Use the title to rename a new file from that template:
<%- await tp.file.rename("Issue - " +"YYYY-MM") + " - " + (await tp.user.markdownTitle({input: (await tp.system.clipboard())}))) -%>
If you're using a recent version of the GitHub CLI that uses the system keychain to store credentials, these helper functions may not work. If so, you can configure the PATH
in the user functions. This assumes you've installed the GH CLI with homebrew:
PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin /opt/homebrew/bin/gh md link -n "$input"
PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin /opt/homebrew/bin/gh md title -n --sanitize "$input"
Using gh-md
with Espanso
An espanso config for generating links and references from the clipboard:
- trigger: "//md"
replace: "{{output}}"
- name: clipboard
type: clipboard
- name: output
type: shell
cmd: "gh md link {{clipboard}}"
- trigger: "//ml"
replace: "{{output}}"
- name: clipboard
type: clipboard
- name: output
type: shell
cmd: "gh md link --simple {{clipboard}}"
- trigger: "//ir"
replace: "{{output}}"
- name: clipboard
type: clipboard
- name: output
type: shell
cmd: "gh md ref {{clipboard}}"