These is no tool to visualize daily github star number online, so I build one! 🌈🌈🌈
Visit: Input the github repo url, star data will be loaded automatically.
- Mobile friendly 📱
- Select time slot handily ✋
- Different chart types 📊
- List all the stargazers 👦
- Export the chart as PNG image 🖼
git clone --depth=1
cd github-star-stats & yarn install
Remember to set environment variable VITE_G_TOKEN
to yourself in .env*
yarn dev
- Github API v4
- apollo graphql
- react.js
- vite
- Recharts
- antd
- styled-components: CSS-IN-JS Best Practice
- eslint + prettier: for better code
- husky + commitlint: for better git commit format
- Thanks the great Open Source