awscli plugin for the asdf version manager.
: generic POSIX utilities. These should be installed by default on most operating systems. -
v1 - Linux/MacOS/Windows || v2 - Windows
Python 3.7.5+
: This plugin installs awscli from source into a virtualenv on these OS distributions. A currently maintained version of Python is required to do this.
asdf plugin add awscli
# or
asdf plugin add
# Show all installable versions
asdf list-all awscli
# Install specific version
asdf install awscli latest # 2.1.24
asdf install awscli latest 2 # 2.1.24
asdf install awscli latest 1 # 1.19.4
# Set a version globally (on your ~/.tool-versions file)
asdf global awscli latest
# Now awscli commands are available
aws --help
Check asdf readme for more instructions on how to install & manage versions.
Contributions of any kind welcome! See the contributing guide.
Thanks goes to these contributors!
See LICENSE © Michael Weigle