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blackwidow Build Status

dashboard. works best with quicksilver server, but you can use any backend to get data for widgets


npm install   # install dependencies
npm start     # recompile (or `npm start` to start watcher)
npm test      # run tests


Example dashboards

Dashboard API

Dashboard is a table (10×10 by default) described by JSON object:

  "container": {
    "size": [16, 9]
  "widgets": {
    "bam": {
      "type": "text" // ...

⚠️ Any undocumented attributes are prone to changes. A lot of changes ⚠️

  • Object.<string, Object> dashboard: full dashboard
  • DashContainer dashboard.container: dashboard container object
    • number[] DashContainer.size: dashboard size in [x, y] format ([10, 10] by default)
    • Object? inline style attribute of dash in react.js format
  • Object.<string, Widget> dashboard.widgets: object with widgets. keys are used to identify widgets
  • Widget dashboard.widgets[key]: widget description
    • string Widget.type: widget type. available values: "text", "image"

    • Container Widget.container: widget container object

        for default case dashboard.container.size = [10, 10]
             x →
       [0, 0]__1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__[10, 0]
        y   |                             |
        ↓   1                             |
            |                             |
            2     ..........              |      `.` => {size: [3, 1], position [3, 2]}
            |     ..........              |
            3     ..........              |
            |                             |
            4                             |
            |                             |
            5#####################        |      `#` => {size: [7, 1], position [0, 5]}
            |#####################        |
            6#####################        |
            |                             |
            7                             |
            |                             |
            8xxxxxx                       |      `x` => {size: [2, 2], position [0, 8]}
            |xxxxxx                       |
            9xxxxxx                       |
            |xxxxxx                       |
      [0, 10]xxxxxx_______________________|
      • number[] Container.size: widget size in [x, y] format (see example above)
      • number[] Container.position: position of top left corner of a widget in [x, y] format (see example above)
      • string Container.fontSize: font size for text in widget. em values are recommended
    • WidgetData widget displayed information. keys depend on Widget.type

      • string? WidgetData.note: text if lower right corner of a widget. its fontSize is equal half of Container.fontSize
      • string? WidgetData.text: text for Widget.type = "text"
      • string? WidgetData.src: image url for Widget.type = "image"
    • Endpoint Widget.endpoint: widget's HTTP(S) endpoint object

      • string Endpoint.url: url with WidgetData
      • string? Endpoint.method: HTTP method for WidgetData requests. "GET" by default
      • Object?|string? Endpoint.body: POST request body. If body is an Object, it is passed to JSON.stringify before sending a request
      • Schedule? Endpoint.schedule: schedule for updating WidgetData
        • number? Schedule.timeInterval: interval between requests in seconds
      • Object.<WidgetData[key], PayloadFieldMapping>? mapping of endpoint payload to widget data fields. keys are the names of WidgetData field (for example, "note")
        • Object|string PayloadFieldMapping: mapping rules for a single WidgetData field. string-y PayloadFieldMapping's value is a shortcut for {"_expr": value}
          • string PayloadFieldMapping._expr: source of WidgetData field value. See Endpoint Expressions for more details
          • * PayloadFieldMapping[key]: base scope for endpoint expression
    • Local Widget.local: widget's local updates object. Useful for random (yet to be implemented) or date/time widgets. Analogous to Endpoint without HTTP(S) fields

      • Schedule? Local.schedule: schedule for updating WidgetData
        • number? Schedule.timeInterval: interval between requests in seconds
      • Object.<WidgetData[key], PayloadFieldMapping>? mapping of endpoint payload to widget data fields. keys are the names of WidgetData field (for example, "note")
        • Object|string PayloadFieldMapping: mapping rules for a single WidgetData field. string-y PayloadFieldMapping's value is a shortcut for {"_expr": value}
          • string PayloadFieldMapping._expr: source of WidgetData field value. See Endpoint Expressions for more details
          • * PayloadFieldMapping[key]: base scope for endpoint expression

Endpoint Expressions

Endpoint Expressions are evaluated via angular-expressions. Expression scope is an object, merged from the response value and the PayloadFieldMapping of the expression. Plus, full response value is available in $ key of the scope

"map": {
  "src": "text"

// is equivalent to

"map": {
  "src": {
    "_expr": "text"

// is equivalent to

"map": {
  "src": "$.text"

// is equivalent to

"map": {
  "src": {
    "_expr": "$[_key]",
    "_key": "text"

A few filters are available for manipulating response before rendering. Some of them are:

  • format:[template] formats template with basic Python-like syntax

    "map": {
      "src": "values | format:'{1}.{2}'"
    // for response == {"values": ["how", "are", "you"]}, widget will receive data
      "src": ""
  • match:[pattern]:[flags?] matches expression with pattern via RegExp. ⚠️ use four backslashes for escaping

    "map": {
      "text": "text | match:'\\\\d{4}-(\\\\d{2})-(\\\\d{2})' | format:'{2}.{1}'"
    // for response == {"text": "2015-09-13"}, widget will receive data
      "text": "13.09"
  • map:[mapping] maps items of array expressions with passed mapping

    "map": {
      "values": {
        "_expr": "text | match:'[a-z]+':'ig' | map:_map",
        "_map": {"value": "$"}
    // for response == {"text": "Mal|Zoe|Wash"}, widget will receive data
      "values": [
        {"value": "Mal"},
        {"value": "Zoe"},
        {"value": "Wash"}
  • get:[key] for getting specific keys from already filtered expressions

    "map": {
      "text": "text | match:'[a-z]+':'ig' | get:0"
    // for response == {"text": "Mal|Zoe|Wash"}, widget will receive data
      "text": "Mal"
  • timeSince:[units?] returns time interval since received date (parsed via new Date()) in units ('days' by default). Possible units: 's', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days'

    "map": {
      "text": "0 | timeSince:'seconds'"
    // widget will receive, for example
      "text": 1455091752
  • timeUntil:[units?] returns time interval until received date (parsed via new Date()) in units ('days' by default). Possible units: 's', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days'

    "map": {
      "text": "'2016-09-13' | timeUntil:'days'"
    // widget will receive, for example
      "text": 215