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zeankundev committed Nov 11, 2024
1 parent 29e22b6 commit 02f084a
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<h1>Compare CompassCAD with the world's solutions</h1>
<div class="main-body-content">
<h1>Compare CompassCAD with AutoCAD</h1>
<td>Autodesk Inc.</td>
<td>Open (UFOL-2)</td>
<td>Release dates</td>
<td>December 1982</td>
<td>May 2024</td>
<td>Minimum specifications</td>
<li>OS: Windows 10 64-bit</li>
<li>CPU: 2.5GHz or faster</li>
<li>RAM: 8GB</li>
<li>Free space: 10GB</li>
<li>Display: 1920x1080</li>
<li>GPU: D3D12, mimimum 2GB VRAM</li>
<li>OS: Windows 7 32-bit (electron < v22)</li>
<li>CPU: 1.33GHz or faster (Intel Core Solo U1500)</li>
<li>RAM: 1GB</li>
<li>Free space: 120MB</li>
<li>Display: 1280x720</li>
<li>GPU: D3D9, mimimum 512MB VRAM</li>
<td>Peak memory consumption (idle)</td>
<td>approx 4GB</td>
<td>approx 100MB</td>
<td>Learning curve</td>
<td>Steep (requires knowledge about certain tools)</td>
<td>Flat (get started quickly)</td>
<td>Targeted groups</td>
<td>Professional, architects, engineers</td>
<td>Casual users, professionals</td>
<td>File format</td>
<td>Autodesk DWG (binary file, hard to parse)</td>
<td>CompassCAD CCAD (JSON array data, easy to understand and modify)</td>
<div class="ending-part">
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<h1>Never pay anything! It's free. Forever.</h1>
At CompassCAD, our mission is to make CAD designing a perfect balance of user intuitiveness, cost-efficiency, community, and freedom. Why pay $1,395 a year for software when you can have more for less? While greedy companies profit off overpriced solutions and offer little support, CompassCAD is always free and transparent—built for professionals, indie studios, and enterprise teams alike. With performance that’s 87% faster than AutoCAD and using 98% less CPU and RAM, CompassCAD delivers top-tier tools for both 2D and 3D design, along with flexible customization options, collaboration features, and security, all without the hefty price tag.
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