This extension provides CMake syntax highlighting for Visual Studio Code.
Search and install cmake-highlight
in VSCode extension marketplace:
- Colorization
- Completion Lists
- Code comments
- Snippets
- Quick Help
- Access To Online Help
The following Visual Studio Code settings are available for the Cmake extension. These can be set in user preferences (cmd+,) or workspace settings (.vscode/settings.json).
"cmake.cmakePath": "/path/to/cmake"
CMake: Online Help
to go to the CMake online documentation (according to the current cmake version).
Install nodejs LTS from (instead of apt
due to version too old):
node --version # v20.8.1
npm --vresion # 10.1.0
git clone
cd vscode-cmake-highlight
npm install -g @vscode/vsce
npm install typescript -g
npm install
vsce package # generate the .vsix file
# if your ~/.npmrc contains `prefix=~/.npm-global`, then use the following command
# ~/.npm-global/bin/vsce package
Change index.d.ts
<reference lib="es2015" />
<reference lib="es2015" >
This extension is based on CMake For VisualStudio Code.