Utilities to validate CSS colors, including named colors, css keywords, hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, lch, oklch, lab, and oklab.
There are so many variations for HTML colors, even for a single type of color. Checking whether any given color is a valid color can get a little tricky.
For example, a hex color is a pretty simple pattern. It starts with a #, followed by 6 characters that are each a number or a letter between A and F (#123abc).
Or 3 characters for short hand (#0f0). Or 8 if using an alpha channel (#000000aa). Or 4 if using short hand with an alpha channel (#000a).
As regex that looks like this:
HSL colors are more complex. The h, s, and l can be separated by commas or not. The hue can be a number, degrees, radians, gradians, or turns. The alpha can be a percentage or a decimal. They can start with hsl or hsla. If values are separated by spaces, then the alpha is preceded by a "/".
The regex for that is quite a bit more complicated. This is just for the comma separated version.
/^(hsl)a?\(((0|0?(?:\.\d+)|-?[1-9]([0-9]+)?(?:\.\d+)?)((deg)|(g?rad)|(turn))?), ?((((?:\.\d+)|[1-9][0-9](?:\.\d+)?|[0-9](?:\.\d+)?)|100)%), ?((((?:\.\d+)|[1-9][0-9](?:\.\d+)?|[0-9](?:\.\d+)?)|100)%)(, ?((((?:\.\d+)|[1-9][0-9](?:\.\d+)?|[0-9](?:\.\d+)?)|100)%|(?:0|0?((?:\.\d+))|1)))?\)$/i
You get the point. It's tricky. That's why you're here.
With 🎨 Color Validator you can check whether a color matches any of the valid patterns without needing to do the work of figuring out the complex regex for all the possibilities.
🎨 Color Validator also exposes getColorType
and hasAlpha
utilities, as well as the base regular expressions used for validation.
npm i color-validator --save
import validate, { regex, getColorType, hasAlpha } from "color-validator"
const isValid = validate.color("#000fff"); // true
const colorType = getColorType("hsl(0 100% 100%)"); // hsl
const hasAlpha = hasAlpha("rgb(25% 25% 25%)") // false
const oklabRegex = regex.oklab;
const validate = require("color-validator");
const isValid = validate.default.color("#000fff"); // true
const colorType = validate.getColorType("hsl(0 100% 100%)"); // hsl
const hasAlpha = validate.hasAlpha("rgb(25% 25% 25%)") // false
const oklabRegex = validate.regex.oklab;
const validate = require("color-validator").default;
const { regex, getColorType, hasAlpha } = require("color-validator");
const isValid = validate.color("#000fff"); // true
const colorType = getColorType("hsl(0 100% 100%)"); // hsl
const hasAlpha = hasAlpha("rgb(25% 25% 25%)") // false
const oklabRegex = regex.oklab;
import validate from "color-validator"
// Validate any possible color
validate.color("#000000") // true
// Validate named colors
validate.named("AliceBlue") // true
// Validate css keywords
validate.keyword("currentColor") // true
// Validate whether a string is a color or a keyword
validate.colorOrKeyword("black") // true
// Validate color by type
validate.hex("#fff") // true
validate.hexAlpha("#123123aa") // true
validate.hexNoAlpha("#ff00ff") // true
validate.rgb("rgb(0, 0, 0)") // true
validate.hsl("hsl(0 100% 50%)") // true
validate.lab("lab(100 -100 125)") // true
validate.oklab("oklab(100 -100 125)") // true
validate.lch("lch(0 0 360)") // true
validate.oklch("oklch(0 0 360)") // true
The regex utilities return the regular expression for each pattern.
import { regex } from "color-validator"
const {
} = regex;
// /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{8}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/
Returns the type of color entered.
import { getColorType } from "color-validator"
type ColorType = "hex" | "rgb" | "hsl" | "lab" | "oklab" | "lch" | "oklch" | "named" | "keyword";
console.log(getColorType("#00ff00")) // hex
Returns whether the color has an alpha value
import { hasAlpha } from "color-validator"
hasAlpha("hsl(0 25% 75% / .25)") // true
hasAlpha("#000") // false
This came about while working on a different project. I needed a way to check a variety of colors, including oklch. I couldn't find anything that was a perfect match, which led me down the color regex rabbit hole. 🐰🕳️
About when I thought this was near a releasable state I ran across validate-color. While it didn't do everything I wanted, including oklch, it did point me to a couple of areas where this was lacking, including css keyword validation and preventing ReDoS attacks, which was new to me.