This project is a web application that allows users to search and explore characters from the epic "Shahnameh". The application provides detailed information about each character, including their monarchy, age, abilities, and specialties.
- Project Overview
- Sketch
- Technologies Used
- Project Structure
- Installation
- Running the Project
- Deployment
The Shahnameh Characters Project is designed to provide an interactive and engaging way for users to explore the rich and diverse characters of Shahnameh. The application allows users to search for characters by name and view detailed information about them.
Below are Screenshots of the application's layout:
Below is a rough sketch of the application's layout:
the characters page:
The sketches provides a visual overview of the main sections of the application, including the header, search bar, character list, and character details.
- React.js
- React Bootstrap
- TypeScript
- FontAwesome Icons
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB (Mongoose)
- Redux (for state management, if used)
- Vite (for frontend development)
- RESTful API (for backend communication)
Here's a brief overview of the project structure:
- Node.js and npm installed
- MongoDB installed and running
git clone
cd Joulaei_Zahra_TheShaahnameh_Capstone
For the frontend:
cd Frontend
npm install
For the backend:
cd backend
npm install
Set up MongoDB: • Ensure MongoDB is running locally or provide a connection string for a remote MongoDB instance. • Create a .env file in the backend directory and add the following:
ATLAS_URI= "your-mongodb-connection-string"
Start the Backend Server:
cd Backend npm run start-backend
Start the Frontend Development Server:
cd Frontend
npm run dev
The frontend development server will start on http://localhost:5173.
The project is deployed on [Your Deployment Platform] and can be accessed using the following link:
• Live Demo: