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Advent of code 2022

Convenience methods and classes

I have a small library with some convenience methods used for other AoC exercises. Like the ResourceLines class to read a resource file and transform the content into a List<String>, or the CSV class to read a resource file containing comma separated values and returning a List of these values, optionally after transformation from String to Integer.

Also uses the algorithm library, which contains generic classes for addressing classic compute problems, from the book Classic Computer Science Problems In Java by David Kopec.

Book cover of the book titles "Classic Computer Science Problems in Java" by David Kopec

It was never my intention to create the shortest program possible. I did try to create clear and simple implementations.

Java comparison

This week, Java 21 has been released, so I decided to compare runtime between Java 17 and Java 21. To do so, I created an All class, that run all individual challenges by loading the DayXX class and calling the main() method.

I ran the All class with Java 17 and Java 21, and noticed some remarkable differences on the long running challenges:

  • Day 16: Java 17: 80,333 ms, Java 21: 22,918 ms --> Floyd-Warshall algorithm, parallel stream
  • Day 19: Java 17: 33,473 ms, Java 21: 31,934 ms --> BFS algorithm
  • Day 23: Java 17: 75,674 ms, Java 21: 34,335 ms --> streaming with Set and List
  • Day 24: Java 17: 50,819 ms, Java 21: 25,555 ms --> BFS algorithm
  • Overall: Java 17: 242,263 ms, Java 21: 209,563 ms

So four long running challenges, on two challenges Java 17 is much faster, on one both are comparable, and on one Java 21 is much faster.

**The timings aren't right! Running a day individually takes much less time than running all days in one go. For day 23, the difference is 50 seconds (according to the timer) which simply doesn't make aby sense... **


After migration to Java 21 (which improved overall performance (at least on average), I also introduced JGraphT to remove boilerplate code for graph related puzzles. I was reading Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
and realized that standard solutions had to be available for many Graph related issues and thought I could spare some time using them. The challenge would be transforming an input matrix into a Graph, which I considered a nice learning opportunity.

Book cover of the book titles "Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures" by Marcello La Rocca

Using JHeaps BinaryArrayHeap to implement a priority queue on Day 19 (as this library is also used by JGraphT), did improve the performance of Day 19 with .5 seconds.

Day 1

December 1, 2022, looking forward to a month of puzzles! Day 1 in general is for warming up. Create a list of ElF each carrying a list of calories (int). For part 1, find the Elf with max Elf::calories. To solve part 2, order the list according to ELf::Calories and take the top-3.

Day 2

Rock, Paper, Scissors! I use an RPS enum to represent the item for a player, with a score() method returning the score for the item. The RPS.of() is the factory method (taking a 1 letter string as an input). RPS provides convenience methods loserFor() and winnerFor() to test game results. A Game record is used to represent a single game. The Game.of() method takes a line from the input and transforms it into a Game with two players (RPS instances). The Game.score() returns the value of the game. That's enough for part 1. For part 2, I added a RPS.of2(), taking a 1 letter string and the RPS for the other player, to determine the right ite to use for player 2. Game.of2() uses this new RPS.of2() to build a game according to the rules explained by the Elf using the RPS convenience methods. The calculation of the total score is unchanged, but now using Game::of2 in the stream for mapping an input line into a Game.

Day 3

Rucksacks, with RucksackItems (with a priority) in two compartments, without duplication in any compartment. The RucksackItem record holds the character and it's priority() methods calculates priority from the char value. The RucksackItems.of() creates a Set<RucksackItem> from a string (set has no doubles), and RucksackItems.of2() creates a List<Set<RucksackItem>> from a string (using RucksackItems.of()splitting the string in 2 halves). The Rucksack.shared() returns the one RucksackItem that is the intersection between the two compartments (using the Google Guave Sets class). For part 1, transform the input in a List<Rucksack>, stream the list, find the shared items and sum theis priorities. For part 2, Rucksack.shared() can also take two other rucksacks and find the shared rucksack item among allItems() of all three rucksacks. Iterate the rucksack list (in groups of 3), find the shared item across all 3 rucksacks and sum its priority.

Day 4

Created a Range record to contain one range, and a RangePair record to contain two. The Range ensures the lower and upper values are in the right order (and the input seems to be so as well, but you might never know). The RangePair.fullContainment() returns true if one of the ranges fully contains the other. That's enough to solve part 1. For part 2 RangePair.overlap() returns true is there is an overlap between the two ranges. For the rest calculating the result is pretty similar. The only caveat in this puzzle is of course that second can be contained in first, and the other way around (same goes for overlap).

Day 5

Solved this day in two steps. First solved answers to part 1 and 2, and didn't waste any time on parsing the layout of the crate stacks. In step two, I parsed the full input, and refactored the Cargo class to correctly parameterize the use of a separate crane strategy.

Crate represents a crate with an id (letter). Creates is a class representing a stack of crates, with operations to take() and add() crates (behaving like a stack, i.e. LIFO). A convenience method can create a Crates instance using a string (indicating the crates from bottom to top). The top() method returns the id of the crate on top, and reverse() returns the Crates in reversed order. A Crane is a functional interface, to take n elements from a Crates instance. Cargo represents the entire set of crate stacks of the input, with operations to take()n elements from one of the crate stacks using a Crane instance, and to add() a 'taken' crate stack to some other crate stack in the cargo.

Parsing the second part of the input (after the blank line) is simple using a regexp, and mapping the details into an Instruction record. Parsing the first part is a bit more difficult, however all columns have width 4 (the second character in each column being a crate id), and the last char on the last line (of the first part) indicates the number of columns. Using that you can parse the lines into StringBuilders containing the crate ids.

Now part 1 and 2 become quite easy, just create a Cargo instance using the list of "crate id strings", and process all instructions using the default Crane, which takes n elements from a crate stack (as a consequence the order of the taken crates gets reversed when added). Part 2, is just as simple, with a slightly different Crane, which reverses the crate stack that was taken before it is added again (so the original order is preserved).

Day 6

Created a Packet record to wrap a character sequence, and added a startOfPacket() method that iterated over the sequence to find 4 unequal consecutive characters which I load into 4 characters. To validate the that the characters are unequal, I added the characters to a Set<Integer> which must be of size 4. There is a clear pattern in the solution with the value 4. I was surprised by the 2nd part which only changes the marker size from 4 to 14. I only needed to make the startOfPacket() flexible with the size. So, I added size as a parameter, and instead of 4 characters, I used an array of the required size. For the rest, no change required.

Day 7

Two issues to solve, fist parse the log-data into a file system structure: a tree of Nodes (with a name and a size) which can be a File or a Directory (containing a List<Node>). Start with current working directory being equal to "/" (Directory.ROOT). If a log line starts with 'd' it contains a directory name, when it starts with a digit it contains a file size and name, and otherwise it's a command. Just ignore '$ ls' commands, but on a '$ cd' command you need to change the current directory to the directory with that name (which must be in the node list of the current working directory).

For part 1, I used the visitor pattern. A visitor is a Consumer<Node>, and when handed to a node (Node.visit(visitor)), the node calls the visitors accep(this) method to do it's magic on the node, and in case of a Directory node the Directory.visit() method passes the visitor on to its children (nodes in its node list). So, the visitor has no knowledge on the data structure, and only knows what to do with the different types of node. the DirectorySizeFinder simply builds a List<Directory> with all Directory instances with the right size.

For optimization, Directory.size() uses memoization, i.e. only the very first time it gets called, it calculates the size (summing the size of all its child nodes) and stores the size in a property.

For part 2, first calculate the disk size to free up (NEEDED_DISK_SPACE - (TOTAL_DISK_SPACE - root.size())), and then use the DirectorySmallestFinder visitor to find the smallest directory to delete.

There could have been some caveats in this challenge, like moving down a directory without first having performed a 'la' command, performing a 'cd' command into a file, or performing a 'ls' command twice on the same directory. But none of that was in my puzzle input.

Day 8

Today looked a bit tricky, so I needed to read the instructions carefully. I created a Forrest class for the actual work, which holds the input data in a char[][] grid. For part 1, the visibleTrees() walks the entire forrest, and for each location, uses isVisible() and simply counts all visible trees. isVisible() walks to the left, right, up, and down to see if there is a higher tree before the edge of the forrest. On part 2, I first populate a int[]] score grid, with the scenic score for each tree and then simply return the highest score in the score grid.

Day 9

That was more complicated than it initially seemed to be. For Part 1 I created the Rope record from a head Point and a tail Point, with operations to move(Direction) which would return a new rope with an updated head and tail, move(Instruction) which would return a list of ropes (one for each instruction step), and a move(List<Instruction)) which again would return a list of ropes. The update of the tail, was easier than expected, as soon as the combination new-head and old-tail would become invalid, the new-tail would be equal to the old-head.

For part 2, I first tried to construct a LongRope from a List<Rope>, but that became too confusing (too many points to keep up to date). Then I renamed Rope to ShortRope, extracted its interface into Rope, created an AbstractRope (containing the move methods and head and tail methods), and implemented a LongRope extending the AbstractRope and implementing the Rope interface wrapping a List<Point>. This time update of the consecutive points after update of the previous one, proved to be a bit nasty and required some trial/error and careful checking in-between states and the samples provided...

In the end everything worked well, and I'm pretty okay with the implementation as well.

Day 10

Today, some kind of virtual machine again, which needs to process instructions. Each instruction runs in 1 or 2 cycles and during cycles some magic happens on the device. The instructions operate on the device, so modeled this with a Device class, an Instruction interface, and a Compiler which compiles the input into a List<Instruction> to be processed by the Device.process(). Instruction.exec() receives a reference to the CPU to perform the internal updates. Device.process() keeps running the program until a certain stop condition was met (Predicate<Integer>) based on the cycle value.

For part 1, the processing needs to end after at least 220 cycles. The noop instruction calls Device.cycle() once and doesn't do anything else. The addr instruction calls Device.cycle() twice and then updates the value of the devices' X register. The actual work for the puzzle is done in the Device.cycle() method. For part 1, cycle gathers SignalStrengths values at cycles 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, and 220. Getting the updating of the cycle count right was the most tricky part for today. Once I moved that into the Device.cycle() things became quite simple.

For part 2, I added a char[][] crt to the device, and call Device.draw() from Device.cycle() before increasing the cycle number. Device.draw() determines the sprite middle point (an x-axis value), calculates the drawing position (y, x value), and if sprite-middle - 1 <= x <= sprite-middle + 1 it puts a '#' on the crt, and otherwise it puts an '.'. Device.crt() returns the crt screen as a multi line string.

Day 11

Nice game to simulate, at least for part 1, there will be some caveat on part 2. Created a Monkey class, and a Game class. The Game class does the parsing, and can take rounds() on the list of monkeys. The Game.monkeyBusiness() simply sorts the List based on the number of inspections in reversed order, and uses the top 2 to calculate the monkey business value.

For part 2, you need to prevent numbers get too big. I tried using a BigInteger for the worry-values, but that ran way too long. However, later I found that you can also reduce the values, by using the lowest-common-multiple of all divider values. After each calculation, you can reduce the value again by taking the remainder after dividing the value by the lcm of all divisors. For part 2, I replaced the default bored function (value -> value -> 3) with the lcm version (value -> value % lcm). For the rest, the solution is identical.

Day 12

A BFS today, and the rules for next possible step are determined by the height differences. Pretty straight forward. The HeightMap record holds the Grid and provides methods to find start() point, end() point, and next() possible locations from a current position. The Finder.solve() finds the shortest path using breadth-search-first from a starting-point. For part one start in S, and move to E (where E is height z). For part 2, added a HeightMap.findAllLowest(), and find the shortest route for all of them. Then filter the solutions (drop all empty solutions), and find the minimum length amongst the possible (non-empty) solutions.

Day 13

A day to really carefully read the description, and don't make any assumptions. The SignalPacket contains a single packet from the input. It wraps a List<Object> which can contain an Integer (value) or another List<Object> which allows for nesting of structures. The factory method SignalPacket.from() uses the classes of the tokenizer package, to translate the input into SignalPackets. Tokenization is pretty straight forward. The SignalPacket.test() compares two values and returns an IN_ORDER, NOT_IN_ORDER or CONTINUE. For part 1, SignalPacketPairs are created from the input, and the compare() method returns the comparison result. The result can be calculated from streaming and filtering in List<SignalPacketPair>. For part 2, I've implemented Comparable<T> on the SignalPacket. Then I created a new List<SignalPacket> from the input, added the two additional packets, and sorted list. Then search for the 2-packet and 6-packet and calculated the decoder key. Using record as a type for SignalPacket made the search easier as you get the equals() for free.

Day 14

Okay, let's address this one step by step. The input must be converted into lines, and lines can consist of multiple parts (which are lines in itself). Created a record Line which can provide an Iterator which takes you through the individual parts (which are Lines in itself). Then, I created a class Lines, with the method asSmallGrid(List<Line>) which determines the min/max X and Y and creates a Grid, and then draw(line) all the individual lines-parts into the grid. The Sand class has a Sand.poor(grid) which pours sand into the grid from the starting position, and returns the number of sand units that could be poured into the grid. For part 2, I created a asLargeGrid(List<Line>) which is just 4 times as wide and one line deeper. Then added a Sand.fill(grid) based on the Sand.pour(grid) method with a slightly changed end-condition.

Day 15

That's been an interesting challenge ... started with a Beacon and a Sensor record including factory methods to extract Beacons and Sensors from the input data. Initially I converted the test data into a grid, places the beacons and sensors on the grid, set the grid-cells that were covered by a beacon (set all the cells in range of a sensor according to the sensors distance to its connected beacon). That worked great for the sample, but end in an OutOfMemory exception on the actual input data.

Changed the approach, and added a Range record, to hold a range along a Y axis of the area wrapping a lower and upper X value. And added methods to determine overlap between ranges (partially, fully, or adjacent), and to combine overlapping ranges into a single range.

Then implemented a Sensor.rangeForRow() which would return the X-range for a certain row that would be covered by that sensor (based on the Manhattan distance of the sensor to that row). The Day15.usedPositionsInRangeForRow() would get all the sensor-covered ranges for the specific row, combines them, gets the size, and deducts the total size with the number of sensors and beacons on that row (as sensor and beacon positions cannot be used, so should also not be counted for). That solves part 1.

For part 2, first the min-Y and max-Y values were calculated from all beacons in with an X and Y value in the given range (0 - 4.000.000). As there was only one possibility, it would mean that in that min-Y to max-Y range, there would be only one row, which would have two cover ranges (with only a single X position not covered). So, simply check the
covered ranges for all Y values in that range, and the first row with 2 ranges is the one we need. Then create a beacon for the specific x/y location, and return its Beacon.turingFrequency().

Day 16

Inspired by Johannes, I refactored my solution to use the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest path. This reduced the runtime for part 2 from 20 minutes to 90 seconds. The Valve class is just a record with a factory method for parsing the input. The Routes class creates a map for all shortest routes between valuable valves (valves with a flow rate > 0) using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. The Valves class contains the maximumPressure() to solve part 1. maximumPressureWithHelp() solves part 2, by generating a set of half of the possible routes, and finds the max pressure when those are visited bby me while the others get visited by an elephant (helper).

Day 17

Yes, Tetris! ... Started with a Rock class to represent the different types of falling rock, and a convenience class Rocks, that contains the static Rock instances to drop, and implements Supplier<Rock> to deliver an endless stream of rocks to be dropped into the cave. The Push class produces gas pushes to the left and right, to be used during the drop. The Cave class does the actual work. simply drops the required number of rocks. Cave.drop() determines the position of the next rock, using the Push while the rock is falling. Beware, when a rock cannot be pushed, it can still fall further down. drop() performs a draw() or the rock in its rest position, and returns the increase of the height of the tower of rock. This is enough for part1. Part 2, the solution of part 1, cannot be used (I immediately got an out-of-memory when I tried). There solution must be based on repetition. I extended Cave int CaveAnalytics which does the same, but collects analytical data during falling of the rock. It looks for a pattern in the increases, and indeed finds a pattern which with the test data starts after dropping rock 26 and lasts for 35 drops. In order to solve part two, you now only need to know the content of that repeating block (the increases during that sequence of 3). The CaveSequence is another extension of Cave that uses the input data to get the sequence and the height at the start of the repeating sequence. Now you have all ingredients to calculate the height for any ridiculous number of dropping rock.

Day 18

Created a Droplet class that contained the list of lava points. Calculated the surface points by adding 6 for every point minus every time the Manhattan-distance to another point equals 1. Lost a lot of time on part 2, doing it without a grid. Finally implemented a grid, and refactored part 1. Then I screwed up with changing exterior air into steam. Never try to be too smart ... clearly...

Day 19

This feels like a BFS. Created a Blueprint record, to handle ... blueprints, and search for a max using BFS. BlueprintState record, to check for history and manage search state, a Prod record to record produced items, and a Robots record to maintain the manufactured robots.

Some optimizations are required:

  • always create a Geode Cracking robot when possible and ignore the other options (impacts variation)
  • never create more robots than the amount of products you can actually consume in one minute (impacts variation)
  • maximize the production to the max amount you can use in the remaining time (reduces history)
  • keep the max geodes collected during a specific minute, and purge options with fewer geodes manufactured at that point in time (purge variation). This one is a bit risky, especially when you change the queue order (I tried a priority
  • queue, but that made it fail on the test data)

Part one runs in ~25 seconds, and part 2 takes ~105 seconds.

Day 20

It took me a while before I realized that the position where to insert (at the beginning or the end) didn't matter at all. So I ditched my solution and started all over again. I created a Value class in which I store the value, and build an array of Value objects. The value objects get connected in a double linked list, and the array can be used to run through the list in the original order. The mixin has one caveat, move count % (list.size - 1) because the number you move won't "jump over" himself. The mix() method, simply goes over the array, and moves the Value object the required number of positions forward or backward. To get the coordinates, use 1000, 2000, 3000 modulo list.size() to find the right values.

For part 2, I changed the factory method, to multiply the values with the key given. and added a count parameter to the mix method. Finally, just to be sure, I changed the value from type int into type long. For the rest no change required to solve part 2.

Day 21

This was fun ... build a tree from the input, where a node is either an Operation, with a left and right operand and an operator, or a Value. I've chosen for each node to implement Supplier<Long>, so it could return its value. A Value just returns it's ... value, while an Operation calculates the result, from the values of its operands. I did add a cache to the nodes, not sure if that was required (why did I go against the YAGNI principle?). I gave every node access to a Values object, which holds a map of all nodes (as you cannot build the actual tree before all input has been parsed). This works like a charm for part 1. For part 2, I changed the nodes and made them implement Supplier<String>, so in case a value is not a long, the node would return a string version of the nodes expression like (((4 + (2 * (humn - 3))) / 4) + 150). To find the value for humn, take the value of the parent node (which is known, even for the root where the value of the comparison is true), and using the parent value, you can reverse the operation of the child node to determine the value of the node that does not return a long value (as string). Using the value for the unknown node, recursively drill down to the humn node.

Day 22

So, I have a StrangeBoard class, and I have to move across the board, and make turns. The strange board class holds the current location (a Point) and the Facing. It can move(strategy) one position into the direction of the facing, or multiple steps move(strategy, distance). move(strategy) won't change the current location if a wall is hit. The MoveStrategy handles how to move across the board, and for part 1 this is done using BoardStrategy. The Path class provides an Iterator<String> to split the path input into separate tokens. The PasswordResolver.resolve(board, strategy, path) takes the board, and uses the provided strategy to walk the path. For part 2, I created a CubeStrategy, and getting the jumps and directions right was hard. I cut a paper cube to visualize it for myself. The actual puzzle input had a different folded cube compared to the sample, so my approach didn't work for the sample as the wrapping depends on the way the map is folded.

Day 23

First I've created the mechanism to generate the ValidDirection options for each round, which would return the right (ever-changing) order. A ValidDirection holds a List<Point> of 3 points to check amd the Point to move to in case all are unused. ValidDirections implements Supplier<List<ValidDirection> and returns the changed order on every get() request. I decided not to use an actual grid, because that would have to expand on each round, but did wrap each Elf position (a Point). An Elf can propose(validDirections,elves) (find a proposed new position) and move() (to the proposed position). The ELves class holds a list of all Elf instances, and can move(validDirections), which first makes a proposal for each elf (using a Map<Point,List<Elf> to collect info of elves and their proposal to identify elves moving to the same position) and them moves the elves that move into unique positions. I decided Elves.move() to return the number of elves that actually moves in each round. ELves.toString() creates a grid containing the map of the current elves positions. Part 1 is solved by calling Elves.move() 10 times, then create the map (toString()) and count the open places. Thanks to Elves.move() returning the number of moved elves, part 2 just loops until move() returns 0 (it runs in 87 seconds, which is indeed too much)

Day 24

This sounds like a BFS problem again, although the state in between also depends on teh contents of the board (location of the blizzards). Created a Blizzard record to store the state of a blizzard (location, facing, symbol, max, and reset). returns the next blizzard state, wrapping the valley if required. The Valley record holds a List<Blizzard>, and the in and out location, and also a next() method, that returns the next state of the valley with all blizzards moved one step. To support BFS, Valley also contains a contains(point) method (determines if the point is in the Valley or equals in/out location), and an isOpen() method, which indicates if a certain position is free to enter. The toString() and toString(point) are used for visualization and storing state.

PathFinder.solve() performs a BFS from the initial point ( towards the end (valley.out()), and that will do for part 1. For part 2, I added a PathFinder.solve(initialState, found) to start a BFS to a goal, using a specific initial state. To solve part 2, reuse the result of part 1 as the initial-state to a second BFS and find the Then use that end-state to again perform a BFS towards the end (valley.out()). Reusing the end-state of the previous search ensures the minute count is continued, and the blizzard states are correct when moving to the start and end again.

A single shortest path search takes ~30 seconds, which is too much, optimization is required.

Learned something new on remembering history during the search: it appeared to be very memory efficient to store state as a String. I ran out-of-memory, when I initially stored history as aPair<Valley,Point>, where Valley contained a List<Blizzard>, and a Blizzard was a record containing to method references: one method to determine wrapping (Predicate<Point>) and one method returning a new starting point for the blizzard (Supplier<Point>).

Day 25

This one took me some time to wrap my head around it. The normal mathematics on numbers doesn't apply, because although the radix is 5, there are no symbols for values 3 and 4 as you would normally have. So, the max value for a value of 4 positions is not 5^4 - 1, but 2 * 5^3 + 2 * 5^2 + 2 * 5^1 + 2 * 5^0. But okay, when I got that clear, it wasn't difficult anymore.


Advent of Code 2022






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