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yzsunlei committed Dec 3, 2019
1 parent 7eb9732 commit b38331e
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Showing 419 changed files with 52,328 additions and 0 deletions.
227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions 1.Vue/flow/compiler.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
declare type CompilerOptions = {
warn?: Function; // allow customizing warning in different environments; e.g. node
modules?: Array<ModuleOptions>; // platform specific modules; e.g. style; class
directives?: { [key: string]: Function }; // platform specific directives
staticKeys?: string; // a list of AST properties to be considered static; for optimization
isUnaryTag?: (tag: string) => ?boolean; // check if a tag is unary for the platform
canBeLeftOpenTag?: (tag: string) => ?boolean; // check if a tag can be left opened
isReservedTag?: (tag: string) => ?boolean; // check if a tag is a native for the platform
preserveWhitespace?: boolean; // preserve whitespace between elements? (Deprecated)
whitespace?: 'preserve' | 'condense'; // whitespace handling strategy
optimize?: boolean; // optimize static content?

// web specific
mustUseProp?: (tag: string, type: ?string, name: string) => boolean; // check if an attribute should be bound as a property
isPreTag?: (attr: string) => ?boolean; // check if a tag needs to preserve whitespace
getTagNamespace?: (tag: string) => ?string; // check the namespace for a tag
expectHTML?: boolean; // only false for non-web builds
isFromDOM?: boolean;
shouldDecodeTags?: boolean;
shouldDecodeNewlines?: boolean;
shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref?: boolean;
outputSourceRange?: boolean;

// runtime user-configurable
delimiters?: [string, string]; // template delimiters
comments?: boolean; // preserve comments in template

// for ssr optimization compiler
scopeId?: string;

declare type WarningMessage = {
msg: string;
start?: number;
end?: number;

declare type CompiledResult = {
ast: ?ASTElement;
render: string;
staticRenderFns: Array<string>;
stringRenderFns?: Array<string>;
errors?: Array<string | WarningMessage>;
tips?: Array<string | WarningMessage>;

declare type ModuleOptions = {
// transform an AST node before any attributes are processed
// returning an ASTElement from pre/transforms replaces the element
preTransformNode: (el: ASTElement) => ?ASTElement;
// transform an AST node after built-ins like v-if, v-for are processed
transformNode: (el: ASTElement) => ?ASTElement;
// transform an AST node after its children have been processed
// cannot return replacement in postTransform because tree is already finalized
postTransformNode: (el: ASTElement) => void;
genData: (el: ASTElement) => string; // generate extra data string for an element
transformCode?: (el: ASTElement, code: string) => string; // further transform generated code for an element
staticKeys?: Array<string>; // AST properties to be considered static

declare type ASTModifiers = { [key: string]: boolean };
declare type ASTIfCondition = { exp: ?string; block: ASTElement };
declare type ASTIfConditions = Array<ASTIfCondition>;

declare type ASTAttr = {
name: string;
value: any;
dynamic?: boolean;
start?: number;
end?: number

declare type ASTElementHandler = {
value: string;
params?: Array<any>;
modifiers: ?ASTModifiers;
dynamic?: boolean;
start?: number;
end?: number;

declare type ASTElementHandlers = {
[key: string]: ASTElementHandler | Array<ASTElementHandler>;

declare type ASTDirective = {
name: string;
rawName: string;
value: string;
arg: ?string;
isDynamicArg: boolean;
modifiers: ?ASTModifiers;
start?: number;
end?: number;

declare type ASTNode = ASTElement | ASTText | ASTExpression;

declare type ASTElement = {
type: 1;
tag: string;
attrsList: Array<ASTAttr>;
attrsMap: { [key: string]: any };
rawAttrsMap: { [key: string]: ASTAttr };
parent: ASTElement | void;
children: Array<ASTNode>;

start?: number;
end?: number;

processed?: true;

static?: boolean;
staticRoot?: boolean;
staticInFor?: boolean;
staticProcessed?: boolean;
hasBindings?: boolean;

text?: string;
attrs?: Array<ASTAttr>;
dynamicAttrs?: Array<ASTAttr>;
props?: Array<ASTAttr>;
plain?: boolean;
pre?: true;
ns?: string;

component?: string;
inlineTemplate?: true;
transitionMode?: string | null;
slotName?: ?string;
slotTarget?: ?string;
slotTargetDynamic?: boolean;
slotScope?: ?string;
scopedSlots?: { [name: string]: ASTElement };

ref?: string;
refInFor?: boolean;

if?: string;
ifProcessed?: boolean;
elseif?: string;
else?: true;
ifConditions?: ASTIfConditions;

for?: string;
forProcessed?: boolean;
key?: string;
alias?: string;
iterator1?: string;
iterator2?: string;

staticClass?: string;
classBinding?: string;
staticStyle?: string;
styleBinding?: string;
events?: ASTElementHandlers;
nativeEvents?: ASTElementHandlers;

transition?: string | true;
transitionOnAppear?: boolean;

model?: {
value: string;
callback: string;
expression: string;

directives?: Array<ASTDirective>;

forbidden?: true;
once?: true;
onceProcessed?: boolean;
wrapData?: (code: string) => string;
wrapListeners?: (code: string) => string;

// 2.4 ssr optimization
ssrOptimizability?: number;

// weex specific
appendAsTree?: boolean;

declare type ASTExpression = {
type: 2;
expression: string;
text: string;
tokens: Array<string | Object>;
static?: boolean;
// 2.4 ssr optimization
ssrOptimizability?: number;
start?: number;
end?: number;

declare type ASTText = {
type: 3;
text: string;
static?: boolean;
isComment?: boolean;
// 2.4 ssr optimization
ssrOptimizability?: number;
start?: number;
end?: number;

// SFC-parser related declarations

// an object format describing a single-file component
declare type SFCDescriptor = {
template: ?SFCBlock;
script: ?SFCBlock;
styles: Array<SFCBlock>;
customBlocks: Array<SFCBlock>;
errors: Array<string | WarningMessage>;

declare type SFCBlock = {
type: string;
content: string;
attrs: {[attribute:string]: string};
start?: number;
end?: number;
lang?: string;
src?: string;
scoped?: boolean;
module?: string | boolean;
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions 1.Vue/flow/component.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import type { Config } from '../src/core/config'
import type VNode from '../src/core/vdom/vnode'
import type Watcher from '../src/core/observer/watcher'

declare interface Component {
// constructor information
static cid: number;
static options: Object;
// extend
static extend: (options: Object) => Function;
static superOptions: Object;
static extendOptions: Object;
static sealedOptions: Object;
static super: Class<Component>;
// assets
static directive: (id: string, def?: Function | Object) => Function | Object | void;
static component: (id: string, def?: Class<Component> | Object) => Class<Component>;
static filter: (id: string, def?: Function) => Function | void;
// functional context constructor
static FunctionalRenderContext: Function;

// public properties
$el: any; // so that we can attach __vue__ to it
$data: Object;
$props: Object;
$options: ComponentOptions;
$parent: Component | void;
$root: Component;
$children: Array<Component>;
$refs: { [key: string]: Component | Element | Array<Component | Element> | void };
$slots: { [key: string]: Array<VNode> };
$scopedSlots: { [key: string]: () => VNodeChildren };
$vnode: VNode; // the placeholder node for the component in parent's render tree
$attrs: { [key: string] : string };
$listeners: { [key: string]: Function | Array<Function> };
$isServer: boolean;

// public methods
$mount: (el?: Element | string, hydrating?: boolean) => Component;
$forceUpdate: () => void;
$destroy: () => void;
$set: <T>(target: Object | Array<T>, key: string | number, val: T) => T;
$delete: <T>(target: Object | Array<T>, key: string | number) => void;
$watch: (expOrFn: string | Function, cb: Function, options?: Object) => Function;
$on: (event: string | Array<string>, fn: Function) => Component;
$once: (event: string, fn: Function) => Component;
$off: (event?: string | Array<string>, fn?: Function) => Component;
$emit: (event: string, ...args: Array<mixed>) => Component;
$nextTick: (fn: Function) => void | Promise<*>;
$createElement: (tag?: string | Component, data?: Object, children?: VNodeChildren) => VNode;

// private properties
_uid: number | string;
_name: string; // this only exists in dev mode
_isVue: true;
_self: Component;
_renderProxy: Component;
_renderContext: ?Component;
_watcher: Watcher;
_watchers: Array<Watcher>;
_computedWatchers: { [key: string]: Watcher };
_data: Object;
_props: Object;
_events: Object;
_inactive: boolean | null;
_directInactive: boolean;
_isMounted: boolean;
_isDestroyed: boolean;
_isBeingDestroyed: boolean;
_vnode: ?VNode; // self root node
_staticTrees: ?Array<VNode>; // v-once cached trees
_hasHookEvent: boolean;
_provided: ?Object;
// _virtualComponents?: { [key: string]: Component };

// private methods

// lifecycle
_init: Function;
_mount: (el?: Element | void, hydrating?: boolean) => Component;
_update: (vnode: VNode, hydrating?: boolean) => void;

// rendering
_render: () => VNode;

__patch__: (
a: Element | VNode | void,
b: VNode,
hydrating?: boolean,
removeOnly?: boolean,
parentElm?: any,
refElm?: any
) => any;

// createElement

// _c is internal that accepts `normalizationType` optimization hint
_c: (
vnode?: VNode,
data?: VNodeData,
children?: VNodeChildren,
normalizationType?: number
) => VNode | void;

// renderStatic
_m: (index: number, isInFor?: boolean) => VNode | VNodeChildren;
// markOnce
_o: (vnode: VNode | Array<VNode>, index: number, key: string) => VNode | VNodeChildren;
// toString
_s: (value: mixed) => string;
// text to VNode
_v: (value: string | number) => VNode;
// toNumber
_n: (value: string) => number | string;
// empty vnode
_e: () => VNode;
// loose equal
_q: (a: mixed, b: mixed) => boolean;
// loose indexOf
_i: (arr: Array<mixed>, val: mixed) => number;
// resolveFilter
_f: (id: string) => Function;
// renderList
_l: (val: mixed, render: Function) => ?Array<VNode>;
// renderSlot
_t: (name: string, fallback: ?Array<VNode>, props: ?Object) => ?Array<VNode>;
// apply v-bind object
_b: (data: any, tag: string, value: any, asProp: boolean, isSync?: boolean) => VNodeData;
// apply v-on object
_g: (data: any, value: any) => VNodeData;
// check custom keyCode
_k: (eventKeyCode: number, key: string, builtInAlias?: number | Array<number>, eventKeyName?: string) => ?boolean;
// resolve scoped slots
_u: (scopedSlots: ScopedSlotsData, res?: Object) => { [key: string]: Function };

// SSR specific
_ssrNode: Function;
_ssrList: Function;
_ssrEscape: Function;
_ssrAttr: Function;
_ssrAttrs: Function;
_ssrDOMProps: Function;
_ssrClass: Function;
_ssrStyle: Function;

// allow dynamic method registration
[key: string]: any

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