Pipline to make Lesion Frequency Map (LFM) along the spinal cord using SCT.
It's a bash script inspired by the Python code in neuropoly/lesion-mapping.
- Similar to the result of running sct_run_batch.
Before running the script you should have in each subject's folder the following:
- Spinal cord segmentation (Can be generated with sct_deepseg_sc).
- Lesions segmentation (Can be generated with sct_deepseg_lesion).
- Warping fields to template space (Can be generated with sct_register_to_template).
The script perform the following steps:
- for each subject:
- Look in subject folder for all cord segmentations.
- Look in subject folder for matching warping fields.
- Merge all cord segmentations into the template space using the warping fields (nn interpolation).
- create
<subject><cord suffix>_template.nii.gz
- create
- Look in subject folder for all lesions segmentations.
- Look in subject folder for matching warping fields.
- Merge all lesions segmentations into the template space using the warping fields(linear interpolation).
- create
<subject><lesions suffix>_template.nii.gz
- create
- Then:
- Sum all cord segmentation.
- Sum all lesions segmentation.
- Generate LFM with sum of all lesions divided by the sum of all cords.
make_lfm.sh \
[-d <Data directory. default: "output/data_processed">] \
[-s <Subjects file - text file with subjects names, subject per line. default: "subjects.txt">] \
[-f <Data directory in subject folder. default: "anat">] \
[-i <Image pattern (Will look also with "${SUBJECT}_" as prefix by default). default: "t2w">] \
[-l <Lesions segmentation file suffix (Must be a binary map). default: "_lesionseg">] \
[-c <Spinal cord segmentation file suffix (Must be a binary map). default: "_seg">] \
[-w <Warping fields to template space file suffix pattern. default: ".*?warp_anat2template">] \
[-o <Output LFM file. default: "LFM.nii.gz">] \
[-r <Overwrite (0/1). If 1, the analisis will run again even if files exist. default: 1>] \
[-m <Set all spinal cord area wich is not covered by all subject's cord segmentation to 0 (0/1). default: 1>] \
[-t <Template prefix. default: "${SCT_DIR}/data/PAM50/template/PAM50_">] \
[-a <Min level of sponal cord to be in result. default: 1 (C1)>] \
[-b <Max level of sponal cord to be in result. default: 20 (T12)>]
For the following dataset:
- ~/
- some_study/
- output/
- data_processed/
- sub-1/
- anat/
- t2.nii.gz
- t2_seg.nii.gz # cord mask (binary)
- t2_lesionseg.nii.gz # lesion mask (binary)
- t2_warp_anat2template.nii.gz # warping fields to template
- sub-2/
- anat/
- t2.nii.gz
- t2_seg.nii.gz # cord mask (binary)
- t2_lesionseg.nii.gz # lesion mask (binary)
- t2_warp_anat2template.nii.gz # warping fields to template
- ...
- Download (or
git clone
) this repository:
git clone https://github.com/yw7/sc_lesion_frequency_map.git
- Add executable permissions:
chmod +x sc_lesion_frequency_map/make_lfm.sh
- Make
(You can edit this file to make LFM for subgroup of subjects):
ls some_study/output/data_processed > some_study/subjects_all.txt
- Run the script (make LFM for Spinal Cord level C1 to C7):
sc_lesion_frequency_map/make_lfm.sh -d some_study/output/data_processed -s some_study/subjects_all.txt -o some_study/LFM_all.nii.gz -i t2 -a 1 -b 7
Do not set all spinal cord area wich is not covered by all subject's cord segmentation to 0 (If some template voxel cover by some subjects it's value in the LFM will be the lesion frequency among those subjects):
sc_lesion_frequency_map/make_lfm.sh -d some_study/output/data_processed -s some_study/subjects_all.txt -o some_study/LFM_all.nii.gz -i t2 -m 0 -a 1 -b 7
Without overwriting previous analysis (For cases when running the script multiple time with overlaping groups, do not transform segmentations to template again):
sc_lesion_frequency_map/make_lfm.sh -d some_study/output/data_processed -s some_study/subjects_all.txt -o some_study/LFM_group1.nii.gz -i t2 -a 1 -b 7 -r 0
If the files are in subject's folder (not in 'anat' folder):
sc_lesion_frequency_map/make_lfm.sh -d some_study/output/data_processed -s some_study/subjects_all.txt -o some_study/LFM_group1.nii.gz -i t2 -d . -f "" -m 0 -r 0 -a 1 -b 7