Releases: yvzselek/witchcss
Releases · yvzselek/witchcss
After three months, I decided to publish a new release for witchCSS. This time it has a website too. It is still in development but looks fine, I think.
- gap (g) classes
- align-self (as) classes
- z-index (z) classes
- user-select (select) classes
- rainbow background color class
- simple customization to add primary and secondary color options with CSS var()
- more font-weight (tw) classes
- more cursor (c) classes
- more font-size (t) classes
- more display classes
After a long time, finally, I've found some time to work on my individual projects and created v2. I feel very excited about this version.
I changed every single class in v1. Now, we have a better utility library that has better, more descriptive, and shorter class names. Also, I set media breakpoint values again and made responsive classes work better.
So we have a utility library that makes responsive user interface development easier for real and saves our time.