A webpage that can search OMDB for movies, and allow the user to save their favourite films
https://pikamovie.netlify.app/ (in progress)
- Search OMDB and display the results (Axios)
- Add a movie from the search results to our nomination list
- View the list of films already nominated
- Remove a nominee from the nomination list
- Display a banner when the user has 5 nominations
- Create Sign up / Sign in / Sign out pages (React Router)
- Save nomination lists if the user leaves the page (Firebase)
- Animations for loading, adding/deleting movies, notifications
- Create shareable links (Netlify)
React Hooks, React Router, React Styled Components, Firebase, Cloudinary, Redux, Netlify
The main page is empty ((before the user searches any movie)
=> Display pre-loaded movie list -
Some movie data has no posters, and N/A values
=> Replace empty posters with custom poster, and error messages -
Scroll bar relocates the elements
=> Set width: 100% and margin: auto 0 -
Input text limit
=> Set input maxLength -
heroku error
=> free deployment limit exceeded
=> deploy on netlify
yarn build
netlify deploy
netlify deploy --prod -
github push rejected after adding README file on Github
=> git pull origin master -
how to import images in public folder in react?
<img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/yourPathHere.jpg'} /> <img src={window.location.origin + '/yourPathHere.jpg'} />
API key privacy issue => saved it in .env file
using multiple dynamic className
=> [styles.description, styles.hr].join(' ')]
=> [${styles, description} ${styles.hr}
] -
how to make tables responsive?
=> flex: 1 1 70% / flex: 1 1 30% (display: flex, width: 100% for its parents & max-width: fixed value(px) for its grand parents) -
fetch doesn't work on Internet Explorer (MDN Can I Use)
=> use axios
yarn add axios
import axios from 'axios'; -
react router => SPA + url
=> yarn add react-router-dom -
yarn add react-router-dom can't import useHistory
=> install yarn add react-router instead -
mapping an array can affect web performance
=> change the nominees array to the object type and use Object.keys(nominees) to map the object using its key -
setNominees doensn't work
=> wrap setState callback in an arrow function
const updated = ([...nominees, movie]);
setNominees(updated);setNominees(nominees => { const updated = ([...nominees, movie]); setNominees(updated); })
a bunch of errors on console
=> if I fix it, the website doesn't seem to work -
in deleteNominee, map doesn't seem to work properly
=> use filter instead -
deactivate the heart icon once the movie is deleted from the nomination list
implement fade animation when nominees added / deleted
add user information to dashboard using firebase
save nominated movies for the user and display it on dashboard
useHistory.state() is not a function error
=> npm install --save react-redux-firebase
=> npm install --save redux-firestore -
the website looks bigger on Netlify
=> deploy on Heroku
- "homepage": "https://jeankangdev.github.io/my-app"
- yarn add gh-pages
- "scripts": { "predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build", "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build", } -
can't receive userId
=> create getUserInfo function (using firebase API) to get the user information -
in syncNominee function, firebase path error occured (invalid string)
=> change${userId}/nominees
to userId + 'nominees' -
it is hard to update data between components
(send nominees data in Main Component to Dashboard Component)
=> use useContext or redux