Database viewer to see database information on web browser.
- Display database information on web browser.
- Support MySQL and SQLite.
- Execute simple select statement.
- Join mode support, You can search rows using joined table's column condition.
- Display table names, show create table, primary keys, null allowed columnes, database engines, and charsets.
- CGI support, and having built-in prefork web werver which reverse proxy support.
- Support many operating system. Unix, Linux, and cygwin on Windows.
- Perl 5.8.7+ only needed.
Check Perl version. You can use webdbviewer if the Perl version is 5.8.7+;
perl -v
Download tar.gz archive, expand it and change directory:
curl -kL > webdbviewer-latest.tar.gz
tar xf webdbviewer-latest.tar.gz
mv webdbviewer-latest webdbviewer
cd webdbviewer
Setup. Needed module is installed.
Check setup. Run the following command.
prove t
If "syntax OK" is displayed, setup is sucseed.
You must set database information in webdbviewer.conf. database type, database name, user, password, host, or port. (; is comment line)
;;; Database type
; dbtype=mysql
; dbtype=sqlite
;;; Database name
;;; User
;;; Password
;;; Host
;;; Port
You can access the following URL.
If you see an internal server error, look at the log file (webdbviewer/log/production.log) to see what problem has occurred.
If CGI script isn't run by your user, you need the following work. For example, CGI script is run by apache user.
Change user and group of all files in webdbviewer directory to apache
chown -R apache:apache webdbviewer
In this case, you server need to execute CGI. Check apache config file.
For example, you need the following config.
<Directory /var/www/html>
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
webdbviewer has its own web server, so you can start using the application very easily. In this way, performance is much better than CGI.
Create a webdbviewer user. This is not necessary, but recommended:
useradd webdbviewer
su - webdbviewer
cd ~
Download tar.gz archive, expand it and change directory:
curl -kL > webdbviewer-latest.tar.gz
tar xf webdbviewer-latest.tar.gz
mv webdbviewer-latest webdbviewer
cd webdbviewer
Setup. Needed module is installed.
Check setup. Run the following command.
prove t
If "syntax OK" is displayed, setup is sucseed.
You must set database information in webdbviewer.conf. database type, database name, user, password, host, or port. (; is comment line)
;;; Database type
; dbtype=mysql
; dbtype=sqlite
;;; Database name
;;; User
;;; Password
;;; Host
;;; Port
You can start the application by running the provided webdbviewer script. The application is run in the background and the port is 10030 by default.
Then access the following URL.
If you want to change the port, edit webdbviewer.conf. If you cannot access this port, you might change the firewall settings.
You can stop the application by adding the --stop option.
./webdbviewer --stop
If you are developer, you can start application development mode
You can access the following URL.
If you have git, it is easy to install from git.
git clone git://
It is useful to write configuration in , not webdbviewer.conf.
- Config::Tiny
- DBD::SQLite
- DBIx::Connector
- DBIx::Custom
- Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig
- mojo-legacy
- Object::Simple
- Validator::Custom
- webdbviewer - Github clone. you can install portable github system into unix/linux.
Copyright 2013-2013 Yuki Kimoto all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.