For undergraduate & pre-employment level learners.
All the basics that you need to know for Computer Science & Software Engineering learners.
These basics are primarily the things that they don't teach you in universities, but the majority of them are
important and you are most likely going to run into them in your graduate studies or your future career.
- Adaptive Web Design (front-end)
- Coding Styles (make your code look tidy & easy to understand)
- Compilers (how do they work)
- CPU, RAM & GPU (how do they work)
- Debugging on Runtime
- Debugging With IDEs
- Development Containers (Docker and so on...)
- Git & Git Commands
- GitHub (GitLab and so on...)
- Hardware Basics
- LaTeX (TeX)
- Machine Learning Basics
- Modern Software Development (DevOps and so on...)
- Open Source Communities (guidelines and so on...)
- Package Management Software (pip, brew, snap, npm, yum, and so on...)
- Regular Expression (how to use)
- Team Coding Collaboration (pipelining, code review and so on...)
- UML Diagrams (how to use them)
- Unix-like System CLIs: bash, zsh (Linux distros & macOS)
- Vim (how to use)
- Web Services (servers, proxies, HTTP requests, and so on...)
- Web Security (spams, attacks, and so on...)
- Web System Design Basics (Caching, Load Balancing, and so on...)
- Adaptive Web Design (front-end)
- Web Services (servers, proxies, HTTP requests, and so on...)
- Web Security (spams, attacks, and so on...)
- Web System Design Basics (Caching, Load Balancing, and so on...)
- Compilers (how do they work)
- Package Management Software (pip, brew, snap, npm, yum, and so on...)
- Unix-like System CLIs: bash, zsh (Linux distros & macOS)
- Vim (how to use)
- Coding Styles (make your code look tidy & easy to understand)
- Debugging on Runtime
- Debugging With IDEs
- Regular Expression (how to use)
- Git & Git Commands
- GitHub (GitLab and so on...)
- Development Containers (Docker and so on...)
- Modern Software Development (DevOps and so on...)
- Open Source Communities (guidelines and so on...)
- Team Coding Collaboration (pipelining, code review and so on...)
- CPU, RAM & GPU (how do they work)
- Hardware Basics
- LaTeX (TeX)
- Machine Learning Basics
- UML Diagrams (how to use them)
Please note that this skill list do not contain the items that most universities are offering in their curriculum.