a wrapper of dgrijalva/jwt-go with storage interface
this example shows how this package work with a builtin redigo storage. Certainly users can implemented a custom storage by themselves.
- generate a json web token:
// conn is an instance of redis.Conn from `github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis`
storage := NewStorageRedis(conn)
j := NewDefaultJwt(storage, secretKey, 2*time.Second)
token, err := j.Generate(jwt.MapClaims{
"id": 111,
"name": "yuchanns",
- validate a jwt:
the validate method will expand the living time of the given token once it is valid.
err := j.Validate(token)
- invalidate a jwt:
err := j.Invalidate(token)
do implement the Storage interface below:
type Storage interface {
// Check a key if it is exist and return its remaining time to live
TTL (key string) (duration time.Duration, err error)
// Set key to hold a string value and to timeout after a given time.Duration
SetEx(key, val string, duration time.Duration) error
// Extend a key's living time duration before timeout
ExtendKey(key string, duration time.Duration) error
// Delete a key
DelKey(key string) error